SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

guys i cant stop hyperposting

please send help

Can you at least hyperpost with purpose and give me your opinion on threadstate so far.

i cannot

because i gotta do an essay and a quiz and a presentation

after that tho? hell ye

Itā€™s better to post with quality in mind than quantity.
You see itā€™s better to try to say more in fewer posts than less.
It makes it easier for everyone.

Unless youā€™re tied up in front of the screen, thereā€™s nothing stopping you from taking a break from the thread no?

Your first posts gave me the facade that you were an experienced player, but this line of questioning has me thinking that youā€™re not.

Which has me second guessing my initial conclusion.

Ans is from ToL and is quite experienced. He managed to win his 1st wolf game on this website.
Donā€™t underestimate him.

full readslists are bad

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This is literally my second (if you count the rerand that happened ā€“ third) game.
I might have read back on completed games and spectated some, but I donā€™t have as much experience playing.

Aside from that, I find this to be a strange conclusion to make because I feel like it should be obvious as to why I did what I did.
So judging my experience or lack of thereof just off of that one answer is curious.

What are your strongest reads at the moment?

Thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve heard this before and I beg to differ.
I managed to nail scum by referring to dead townies read lists for night kill analysis.

I think full readlists are fine, as long as you are able to explain your thought process behind each read and elaborate on why your nulls are nulls.
But I suppose segmented readlists work better for some people.
Speaking of which, any impressions so far? Thoughts on the gamestate?

Usually when a townie dies and you look at their read list, the killer is pretty much 100% always a scum read from the dead townie.
So donā€™t tell me read lists donā€™t work, especially from dead townies thank you very much.

Outside of some slots, I donā€™t think anyone can make proper and accurate evaluations on the whole thread due to the lack of spice / inability to lynch
I think people like blizer/pkr are town
but those slots feel very obviously town

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they are useful
d1 w/o lynches they arenā€™t

[quote=ā€œhighway_101, post:674, topic:82666, full:trueā€]

Perhaps though if they die N1, then whoever is scum read by the dead townie should be wagoned 1st.

Thatā€™s not always the case.
Scum might make weird/non-read based kills on N1. Wagoning people off of NKA early on isā€¦ not good.

I guess thatā€™s possible to throw people off the scent. Though that isnā€™t something Iā€™d expect to see often.

very low spice in thread
I didnā€™t like how the talk about mode using their ability extended beyond just a few token posts
ftr I did like gorta actually thinking about the posts they are replying to. No follow up isnā€™t great, but I like how they engage with stuff

I feel like townreads are being thrown about like candy
I canā€™t say Iā€™m not being thrown ways with different people, but I donā€™t feel like there is that much solid ai stuff atp

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You donā€™t talk like a new player at face value. Your answer to the hypoclaiming question seemed like a very out of the ordinary answer for an experienced player. Donā€™t see why this conclusion is strange, but that is unimportant. There is one other conclusion Iā€™ve made that Iā€™ll get into later, when I go into my reads. Bit too busy as of right now to go too deep.

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UT is town.
And will always be Town
Iā€™d also like to request all Cops check UT.