SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

So I actually missed this while replying to you.
I didn’t really read the signup thread because by the time I woke up it was at 14 players, so I just joined and went to do other things.
But now that I skimmed it, I don’t really see much discussion about Fiddler there, so unless I’m missing something I’m going to assume you mean the thing we discussed in off-topic before the signups were posted.

It did slip my mind though, partially because I don’t like to yolovote, but this is a good reminder to everyone – don’t mindlessly pile on wagons for ‘pressure’ because Fiddler can indeed exist.

Commit to voting.

Do you think his EoD wasn’t better than his opener yesterday?

Gth, PK is probably town but I don’t want to make early conclusions.

I would have to reread it

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Yeah, that’s what I was thinking you would say.

Anyway, in an effort to discuss more with you, what do you think about the cat (Chloe)'s posts today?

No deaths?

From what I’ve read, that would implicate a Cult game, correct? Never been a fan of Cults on MU but this one seems different from what I’ve skimmed.

The lack of Neutral Killer kill seems strange, given it’s guaranteed to spawn.

I did concoct a readlist last night.

  1. Light TL
  2. TL, despite hating a lot of what they’ve done
  3. Light SL
  4. Refuses to do anything. Null/SL, as both villagers and wolves can do this for varying reasons. Should be vigged if guiltless.
  5. Newbtown.
  6. Light TL, they saw something weird and did research on it, and ended up going back on it. Usually comes from a villager.
  7. Null.
  8. Townread.
  9. :wave: Hi!
  10. TL.
  11. Newbtownlean, a few weird posts though.
  12. SL.
  13. Newbtown.
  14. SL. Focusing exclusively on Lord, when this is apparently not important.
  15. Newbtown.
  16. Null, not doing much. From what I saw in Champs, they are very capable. Their “soft” is weird.
  17. Don’t care.
  18. Doing nothing, gutreading town though.

I could not fit the names. The numbers correspond with the playerlist.

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I’m a bit surprised you mentioned Fiddler but didn’t really talk about that part yourself.
Chloe’s posts are alright so far – I like the fact that she is posting more on topic.
Your thoughts?

Also, speaking of which:

The vibe I’m getting from Unknown after that post on 101 is… a bit less experienced player, so I’m not reading into this wording too much.
Also, does this explanation:

Read fake to you?

I mean

They never said T/T before
And in that post they said “i know i did say T/T before”
So yeah it reads as fake? They dont know what stance they took and it seems like agreeing with me just to agree
Even though they didn’t understand a word i was saying

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can you explain this one

Can i ask why you TL me if you hate what i’ve done

I am not aware if Unknown revealed this or not but I was also in Allies Chat last night.

Is seth okay

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Exactly what I was wondering when I got there.

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He stated he wanted to see more from me.
But I have a gut feeling he isn’t a very good King, if you catch my gist.

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Yeah I’m back

oh yeah Wazza being in Allies chat is weird

I think they as scum they would’ve reread the interaction first before giving their thoughts on it?

Not a strong thought but I think it’s worth pointing out.

Kind of don’t like that their last post didn’t have a conclusion but overall I haven’t noticed too much of a shift in their posts D1 and D2.

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Still thinking how its weird I got no SL d1

These two posts in the context they were in felt more likely to come from a villager when I read them, despite the posts themselves not necessarily being villagery. I don’t put too much merit in my gut reads, but that one stuck out a little bit.

I hate most of it on a personal level, not an alignment indicative one.


I was originally gonna post my reads but I refused to after talking to UT and Seth.

The chat, and I will put this bluntly, was entirely wasted last night. We did absolutely nothing, and I can say this is more than likely the timezone difference issue and the fact I’ve been busy with an X-Ray.

Who did seth allies n1 as EK in 61

TBE and Alice