SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

App is probably town

the ‘please convert me :flushed:’ thing lines up with how I’ve seen him play town in previous games with conversion (such as BotF 4) and I think he would tone it down if he rolled scum since it pretty consistently makes people be like ‘wtf this is wolfy’

also the way he really wanted people to engage with his reads felt more like a townie ‘please listen to me’ sort of thing than a scummy ‘please help me push this miselim’ sort of thing

82 feels like


their posts feel like they’re doing things

but the actual read density in said posts is really low (lower than I remembered it as being)

I don’t really know how to explain what I’m saying

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Kinda elaborated on this here:

This + their post on 101, even if I disagree with it – it doesn’t really feel like it would be something that comes from scum, in a way that I don’t think scum has a reason to make post like this.
Seemed more of an actual read (that they admitted was mostly a tinfoil) than an attempt to shade them.

There’s also another factor that I can’t quite talk about.

Gorta is higher now, but the reason others were higher was mostly activity/interactions, to be fair (except for PKR because his stance during the argument with Seth looked towny to me).

I kinda expected you to do that during the night. It’s precisely the reason I asked people to backread.

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it’s like … it looks like they’re doing more things than they are

I don’t know how to explain the point I’m trying to make

It’s like

I can’t point out any specific issues with their content

but when you look at it from a distance it looks like a nice contentful Iso but when you actually get up close it’s less so

The thing about Apprentice is that iirc in CFM2 he shot his teammate and then went dead quiet.
Then in DGFM where he was basically NK’s helper he shot scum and went quiet again.

This is kind of an activity read™ but I’m a bit wary of him.
The whole “please convert me” thing reads NAI to me.
Also imo no one would try to push ML on D1 since there’s no lynch to begin with – any kinds of agenda reads are mostly moot.

I kinda liked their wariness/skepticism and questioning – hence why they are in the upper TLs for me.
But yeah, I definitely want to see more from them today.

101 feels townie although I think part of it is that use of threadreads always feels townie to me

they did also have a couple of posts that I thought were individually villagery

it’s rare for wolves to be this openly confrontational with calling people’s takes bad, because it makes people mad and wolves don’t want people to be mad at them

this just felt like a townie thing to notice, like, it’s not the sort of thing wolves with TMI would even think to pay attention to

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That’s what I figured

my biggest hangup with UT at the moment is the fact that they think that people should be scumreading them

in my experience that sort of thing is >rand scum because townies generally don’t think they’re being scummy at any given point in time (obviously there are some exceptions but in general) even if they are, while scum tends to think they’re being scummy even if they aren’t

can also be a sign of scum poorly trying to look town

other than that their Iso is basically fine from what I remember

Yeah, that was one of the things that stood out to me.
I mentioned it here:

But didn’t go deep into discussing it.
I mostly think it’s something that could come from both alignments, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Also I see that I’m becoming a topposter so I’m going to cut back on short replies for now.
Don’t want my ISO to be 2k posts again.

We focused on it for a while yesterday ao i figured i’d say what Conclusions :tm: I drew from it

The whole discussion over including King in W/W or non-W/W interactions makes me like UT a bit more

I explained that I don’t see non-W/W and T/T as the same thing, and gave reasons why i dont think you should say King is W/W or non-W/W and they stuck with their guns anyways rather than agreeing with me

I gave em an easy out for a weird interaction read and they didn’t take it

Idk how to explain it more but

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I think you’re both kinda misinterpreting it?

Like, I’m pretty sure they just thought Seth was EK who thought Traveller was scum.

If that makes sense.



i just delete an entire wall of quotes instead of copying

End me

Ctrl + Z should work?

(Assuming it’s not too late)

I’ve been kinda waiting on something to happen, but I’m not even sure it’s going to happen.

It’s kind of annoying because it’s pretty important.

I think I’m being vague enough with this.

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@anon6348071 I kind of like highway,Unknown is very weird, Centuries has a weird tone to me as well, and I kind of lke Psycho

that’s not much, but I don’t have many crazy reads as of now

Okay so I’m re-reading the conversation and actually noticing some things that flew over my brain.
Up until this point, UT’s tone felt genuine - which can come from town or scum simply not understanding what I’m trying to say. But I noticed a… shift after this point

I completely misread this response. He did take the easy out I gave him - but it confuses me as he never said T/T before
And he distinctly said non-W/W

So apparently he didnt understand a word I was saying and “agreed” with me anyways. This last post shows that he didn’t understand what I was trying to say, as the response I was looking for is T/T or T/W, not “non-W/W”

Am i reading into this too much?

This wasnt meant to be a reply but whatev