SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I learned that it’s ok to skim the thread and backread certain things/players from Marshal and that’s what I have been doing ever since that hydra game

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Suggestion: Could you read through Blizer and give me your thoughts on him?

I can do that, but first I want a break

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yeah, I will be back with that later

i found this post when going through psycho’s ISO

it’s worse then [funny joke]

you gain next to nothing in trade for rolefishing/PR hunting

like, you think someone’s answer is dumb. Well maybe their not that type. Its not really AI(even if their a wolf that claims that type who’s answer you didnt like they can always just have different logs), and helps wolves determine roles.

looking at psycho himself, feels fairly innocent and their lack of knowing what to do/say is something ive had in my first game. Would like real-time interaction but they prob town

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gonna look through math’s own ISO now

(just feels like I should do it, see if ive softed and whatnot)

I keep on hearing people say “AI” and I can’t tell if they mean Artificial Intelligence or what.

Can you please explain?


They seem to have this weird philosophy that an argument like this has to contain a wolf in it, which may just be a mistake as they come off as quite a new player.

What is very notable is that the first post here is the only real post that is defending Jane in this situation, and it’s a very soft defense. I’m pretty confident that Jane is a villager, given that atrocious push, which makes me think this could be a newbwolf trying to pretend they’re invested into this while not really posting any content, but I think they’re still just a newbvillager.


Similar to UT, they’re newbing very hard. I think this one is slightly scummier than the other, but is probably just another newbtown who assumes a debacle like that is usually T/W.


They’re clearly reading, given their response. However, all they did was respond to one post in an informative way. Pretty NAI, but I think most wolves active during this timeframe would act similarly to Arete here; as in “be quiet, be NAI, and let this happen”.


About the same thing as Arete, except their post is townreading (I think? Janes posts imply they were town in JOAT9) Jane. I think this post is okay. Leaning town on their post here, as it looks like they used this to progress their prior read on Jane.


This post is quite different from how I felt in this situation, I believe Jane is quote obviously a villager right now and this take is very out there.

I thought this was wolfy at first, but I think it’s contrarian enough to be unlikely to come from an average wolf. If Blizer is an experienced/good wolf, though, I’d say this is still semi wolfy.


Their defense of me is interesting, but I think mostly NAI as they seem fairly objective throughout.


I think in most cases, this would look pretty awful alone.

But they back it up with their own personal read:

Which is a much better look for them.

There’s one thing that sticks out a tiny bit, though.

I know Jane was just saying I TMIed them as a villager for a really bad reason.

But this part feels like it’s TMIing me as a villager a little bit?

Me saying that Jane is a bad villager is NAI of me. I can say that as a wolf. Chloe doesn’t seem to consider that world.

This is a bit of a tinfoil though, as they prefaced it with decent reasons to actually townread me. Probably just a villager, as slips like this aren’t instantly wolfy, especially because wolves are generally very cautious with what they say.

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AI is Alignment-indicative

its when something helps discover somebody’s alignment

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Alignment indicative.
Traits or posts that help to identify someone as scum/town.

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alignment indicative

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I see

has anybody claimed btw

I know Arete claimed, but not what, and that arete was condemned

No and we are going to keep it this way.

Not to discredit myself, but like, didn’t I say earlier that this could be W/W?

FWIW part of why I didn’t feel the need to jump into the conversation with my take on the argument is that, like, I was already talking about it in my neighborhood with Jane :eyes::eyes::eyes:

I think their TMI read on you is silly

they think that I thought their read on Marshalkat in JoaT9 was silly

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More specifically, you seemed to lean against the argument being T/T.

Which is easily a mistake a new player can make.

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I dont buy it but I’ll know soon enough

whats consensus on cent?

I didn’t consider the neighborhood in mind, but given I can’t see the contents of said neighborhood, I can’t really tell you how I feel about your contributions during the timeframe :stuck_out_tongue:

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im going to hope this was the only one