SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

On the ToL discord server. We’ve probably played ToL together.

Likely so, depending on who you are.
I’d suggest not discussing it here.

they could also just

get occ’d/hit di/hit heal

but itll be obvious if doomsday was a thing in 2 nights

(well, with some luck, anyway)

That is exactly what I was thinking.

You think they would set it for N3?
Is this what you mean by that?

Alright back to the game my group scum D1 PoE was this.

How have your reads evolved since then?


PK and PKR

please dont end the day with votes on king

they cant be mm/cl/nk

they cant give us associations

(pressure and whatnot is fine but not to kil)


I was going by Astromancer from SFoL 61.5

my b

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Chloe is probably not group scum. I don’t think you’re starting group scum Arete, though I can imagine you’ve got good convert equity if my last game with you is anything to go by.

well I am telling u now

you aren’t having the reasons.


/vote Wazza

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Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Emilia TheBlueElixir 1/10
Wazza Emilia, Arete 2/10
ModeShifter PokemonKidRyan, PsychoKang 2/10

ping me if I make an error

TBE has made me semi-okay with the slot.

Hes taking real stances, starting votes with reason, and progressing the thread-state in what I would say is a pro-town way. Looking for reactions based on votes, and providing Hot Takes :tm: without fear.

Still don’t like how weirdly hedgy mathmods was on d1, and I am not forgetting that. He came to no conclusions on like
any slots
and felt weirdly uncomfortable

tbe gets to be nulltownboi rn

keep it up

So what are your reads on everyone so far?

gimme a person and we can discuss

dont wanna make a dumb list

My reads have hardly changed, unless I’m forgetting something.

What are you hoping to achieve by refusing to explain your few reads?

jester play?