SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

‘we agreed on a couple of things’ =/= ‘I was mindmelding a lot with that slot’

I was mindmelding with Eighty a lot

I even pointed out where
After their interaction with Jane

Unless you mean you mindmelding/agreeing with me

I was invited to Dream Sphere chat and Arete outed themselves there.

Wait what???

I don’t know what that chat is (I assume some sort of Neighborhood chat) but, to be clear, you are clearing Arete for their claim, correct?

Look at the class cards. There is a class that does that.


Everyone shut up about mech
Arete has been actinf wolfy socially

Hmmm ok so Arete is neutral according to CRich yes?

It is a neighborhood chat and I don’t think Arete would lie about their claim as they did out being targeted by the Executioner N1.


Go answer Eighty’s question about why you think my read is fake

Doesn’t seem important enough for me to read back on. I just assume it’s a neighborhood.

If they were a wolf why would they tell the truth about their claim?

It’s basically a neighborhod.

However whenever the person that causes the Dream Sphere dies, they all die.

Btw, kinda off topic but is Dankstalker the only anti-claim class? Or does like one of the cult alts I didn’t read have an anti-claim ability?

If the Oneiromancer dies, then I die as well. So does anyone else in Dream Sphere for that matter.

This doesn’t really convince me as to why you’re clearing Arete for their claim.

Nonetheless, I don’t really care. I don’t clear people for their claims unless they are innocent children, masons, or somehow mechanically confirmable to be exactly one class whilst being unable to be converted.

The latter of which is something I’m not fully used to dealing with since conversion is seen as bastard.


you don’t believe in your read

the perspective in this perspective is wildly inconsistent – like, you claim to have me as a scumlean but also claim that you’re ‘probably’ going to die for this, which would be a weird thing to think if that were really your PoV since (a) as scum I probably wouldn’t kill someone over a vague lean and (b) if it’s just a lean then you wouldn’t think you’re ‘probably’ getting killed over it because, like, you … wouldn’t be confident in your read …

I’m explaining this badly

the thing about how you’re expecting to die for this feels performative and fake

this PoV is inconsistent with the one expressed in the first post I quoted and also with you not voting me until much later for the record, I saw this post right before dinner, was like ‘it’s weird that Chloe is saying this but isn’t voting me,’ and came back after you voted me

this reasoning is fake because it … assumes I would somehow magically know how you + Blizer would react? it’s like – it’s a read on me that’s based solely on how other random people reacted to my behavior, when I obviously can’t predict the future

‘don’t use meta to read Arete because they’re such a scary scum player oOOooOooo’
‘also Arete is wolfy because they’re on the sidelines, which is like a level-1 tell’

and this ignores the bit where I voted him for not answering (a restatement of) the same question

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I have no idea why, but I keep reading Oneiromancer as Oreomancer

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I mean, he got like 2 people to back him up no? If he gets one more, I’m pretty sure Arete is confirmed or atleast someone who shouldn’t worry about until late game

It also helps that Arete probably figured out who I am now and I’m not dead.