SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!



My imagination is running wild here.
I won’t say what’s on my mind in case I get caught breaking PG-13 rules.

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What i mostly hate about this trial is that it completely disrupted the state of the thread

I finally felt like we were getting stuff done and now I can’t even remember what I was thinking and wanted to type 20 minutes ago

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DM me after the game? xD

Ok guys too off topic, we torture PKR later.
But again, does any other council member propose a candidate first?

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If not, we will move to the public for lynch proposals

this is real bad

I still think Seth could be a legitimate tactic unless any of y’all read someone as a solo player.
I am looking to take out NK or EK here.

early lynches kinda need to be non king to help with gamestate

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Yeah but he’s literally the best option we have right now…

Ok I would oppose executing Seth here. Even if he is EK, I’d rather take care of Seth later if he does flip EK since he can’t do much now because he just used this ability. I’d suggest someone else

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The problem with executing the King this early is that even if we get rid of the starting EK, do we have 100% confidence we’re not replacing the EK with another EK. This makes my brain hurt.

Ok so no other council members has any good proposals?

can we still have like
unofficial VCs

so we can all participate and trial people make final decision based on our votes

i dont want these 4 players determining the outcome of the day
but i do want them to come to a decision
we dont no-exe today

at least this can give us something in terms of interactions - agenda and defending and shit like that

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What this mean


but like
not official


Ok then…
We are NK hunting imo.
Finding a scum member just means they get to convert again (If it’s Unseen at cap)
It does not stop conversions.

If we are hunting NK, then Seth is never the option in that case unless Amelia did a bastard

Starting me Psycho King