SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I run by how wolfy and how towny they are.
And by continuing to read them it can change on the scale of the list.

The List is based on most Town to most Scum.

that would be lvl 9 read

Iā€™m well aware on how readlists work.

Iā€™m also aware that they lose quite a bit of credibility when you actively admit to not reading an entire days worth of posts.


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Hi! Iā€™m bleeding rather profusely in a fatal fashion.

Your hard claiming being bled?

Well, duh.

probably exe

Hey Emilia! How was your drive across the country?

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Doubt wolves would waste a bleed on you.

I could see town bleeding you since you barely exist in thread.

This is assuming the bleed is real, of course. Which I have some doubts of.

I mean for right now IMO Iā€™d say heā€™s fine.
Just have no one heal him and let his slot bleed out and resolve.
And if heā€™s still alive by Day 4 thatā€™s when we can bring up some concerns.

I already arrived

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I hardclaim Summoner.

this thing?

use dust


I believe the bleed a little bit more.

Why is your instinct upon being bled to claim?


To kill the king lord?

My instinct to claim was wrought by basically being sentenced to death.

If I told you I was the one who bled you, how would you feel?


I wouldnā€™t believe you.
Since these posts conflict.