SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

this feels…out of character as something to just bring up?
I don’t think this was mentioned at any earlier point in their iso and it came up just today

finding nk doesn’t seem concurrent with their play

True though the majority of people who haven’t posted much so far in my games have turned out to be town. Though yes it’s not a good idea to bring probability into the game yet.

Cent feels v
It’s difficult to put it into exact words

EightySecond’s argument for why Jane v is pretty reasonable
I’ll go with that for now
maybe go back on it later

I’m back and I’ve backread again, so I’m all caught up. Apologies for an upcoming wallpost.

First and foremost, on this atrocious Trial By Council:

@UnknownTraveler @Jane @PokemonKidRyan @highway_101
-Someone already mentioned this, but I propose to use “regular” voting – meaning the lynch should be discussed with the thread and decided by the majority. This means creating/maintaining another VC.
-Lynching Seth here would be a terrible play, because there are other ways to get rid of him + in case of town King, this passive exists:

Not to mention it would be a complete waste because it barely gives us information, risks killing a town member and potentially allows scum to elect a scum king. The only real threat is if it’s a Cult game, but Priest Lord cannot be used until there are 1-0 Cultists alive, so he can be dealt with later.

Oh and @ChopChop this time, I want you to actually out and discuss your Allies pick with the thread.

Next, actual impressions while backreading:

  • During the whole Chloe/Arete situation, Chloe’s stance didn’t sound ‘fake’ to me – although it did sound overly dramatic/blown out of proportion. The thing is that I still don’t really see the scumlean on Arete – sure, they are sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing, but I would expect scum Arete to actually push agenda instead of coasting. The whole “mech confirm” thing isn’t a confirmation and they should never be cleared off of it – although if this is Unseen game, then it locks them as non-starter scum 99% of the time. If this is a Cult game however, I guess it’s possible that they are second starting Cultist, but I’d honestly expect them to pick a Martyr alt or something else – it provides a lot more utility than a niche neighborhood that isn’t really a confirmation, and they are one of the players whom I would expect to be able to clear themselves socially, meaning the whole neighborhood thing would be mostly redundant. Nonetheless, they are staying in my nulls because I want them to start doing things.
  • Emilia is likely town – for one she actually exists within the thread while forming her own opinions, which is a good look.
    I also agree with her take on Blizer, but I will go into it later.
  • Magnus was bled by town with 99% certainty, for obvious reasons. I’ve seen his claim and right now, I’m fine with him not being healed unless he does what he said he would and “proving himself to us”. Not to mention that looking at his claim now, I fail to see how him claiming on D1 would be ‘claiming for a reason’ – @Magnus care to elaborate on this? Why did you even consider claiming to begin with if your role is not only a powerful protective, but has massive amounts of utility?
    Also this is more of an idle observation, but Magnus claims doing nothing on N1 with no deaths – I think scum wouldn’t readily admit it, especially in his situation. Still want more though.
  • TBE’s tone and conclusions have been consistent so far – I like it. This slot was in my lower nulls (read: PoE) mostly because of his underwhelming start + lack of engagement later on, but I’m fairly confident with having TBE in my TLs right now.
  • PKR’s initial posts looked good to me, but he’s starting to drop down. His latest posts have been somewhat underwhelming. It’s fluff + mech talk for the most part (excluding his take on PK/Arete) – for starters, I’d like for him to provide an actual readlist. @PokemonKidRyan This is a second ping to you, but please do just that.
  • Blizer. This is the slot that Emilia brought up before and a slot that I have some thoughts on, but I personally wanted to hold the discussion on him for a few reasons. I guess doing it now won’t bring any harm since we still seem to lack conclusions, so without further ado:
    If I’m correct TBE already mentioned it, but some of his reads felt hedgy – I initially let it go since it was D1, but it was still a thing to keep in mind.
    Next one is more of an observation, but during yesterday it felt somewhat strange that he mostly engaged with me and no one else. This is the dumb tinfoil I was talking about, but it almost felt pockety.
    From then on, his only stances were on Centuries/Jane.
    Speaking of which, I already mentioned this to EightySecond, but Blizer also felt on the sidelines during the whole Jane situation. His response looked non-committal, like yes, he was obviously in the thread and read it, but all we got was:

“This looks not great”. Not great for whom – Jane? Why? Was it scummy? Was it just a poorly built argument? He didn’t really explain it in detail.
And after that he just dipped for the most part.
@Blizer Could you get in here and explain your reads in depth? Has anything aside from Centuries changed since D1?

  • Wazza just barely exists, to be honest. He is one of the slots I expected more from, but he hasn’t really provided much – iirc he didn’t even explain his readlist like he said he would. Also the Allies thing about saying that it was wasted and then taking it back was a thing. I think this is one of the slots that should be solved first, either via mech (invests/whatever) or execution.
Also, readlist.





With my immediate PoE obviously being:

And secondary PoE being:

As you might notice I still don’t really have strong stances aside from Blizer, and the threadstate honestly still feels hollow.
Maybe it’s my WiM, but this whole game felt like wading through mud – slow and messy.

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I realized that I didn’t elaborate on Cent.
But while Centuries’ posts were better at EoD, there hasn’t really been much from him today – and I find that most other people provided more content in some ways.

So this isn’t an explicit SL/SR, it’s just PoE.

I’m getting ready to sleep, so I don’t have time to dig through your ISO.

Have you explained why gorta is so high on your readlist yet?

before I go to sleep thought I have is that I think mode is GK cuz they would try to save their council abil for later if they were EK

I did, these points mostly:

So it’s partially a meta read + there’s another thing in his ISO which I think might be a towntell.

I wouldn’t really be certain on that because I feel like he’d do it as both alignments if he thought it’s beneficial for him.
I don’t think he is a particularly strong mech player either.

I thought of my claim as a Butler in this setup, and effectively thought it as having one use; killing the king (read; lord). Therefore, claiming wasn’t a ridiculous idea.
And you can’t say how claiming was a bad idea, and saying it’s a good role doesn’t exactly work in this scenario; even you said it’d be fine to let me die.
So yeah, I’ll confirm myself using Dust.

Meta and towntells aren’t exactly what I was hoping to hear, but I’ll keep that in mind I suppose!

I feel like that slot has gone very under the radar, which is a bit concerning.

But that literally puts a target on your back.
Summoner doesn’t really seem to have a way to protect themselves, there’s no Party – by outing on D1 you would become a prime kill target.

Unless you for some reason contemplated poisoning him on D1 right off the bat and then reconsidered.

Me saying it’s a good class is true because this:

Is pretty much Knight on steroids, and this:

Is extremely useful.

Hence why I precisely want you to interact with us and clear yourself socially, because if your claim is true, then this is a lot of power that would be wasted with your death.
And I don’t think that using Dust today is the way to go.

I can’t really prove myself socially because in the back of everybody’s mind, there’s still that doubt.
Tbh the only reason I’m seen as suspicious is because of
A) minimal activity first day.
B) Claiming bleeding second day.
C) Claiming role for preservation.

To be honest he’s a quiet type of player, so I’m not surprised that some people forgot he existed.
But if you wish we can go over his slot extensively later.

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That’s the main reason you are in nulls for me, because there isn’t much to read from you.

I don’t think claiming bleed like this is suspicious to begin with? If you are faking it then you will just be executed two days later because I doubt people are looking to heal you.
Claiming your class is the one thing that I don’t get, which is why I asked you about it to begin with.

Also on the social aspect, you could begin by reading people.
Just give us your opinions.

If you were a class that could bleed someone and that someone were as inactive as you were D1, would you bleed that slot or not?

Okay, I’ve found the FoL class card thread so I can be less confused.

Butler is a roleblocker who has a guilty vig on the King, Knight is an elite bodyguard – and this Summoner class has a bit of both of those things.

That class seems quite strong to me, although I’m not very versed in rolemadness!

My only argument against this is that if they are actually bleeding, there’s a decent chance nobody bothers healing them. In which case, the guilty part of a guilty vig is mostly mitigated when you’re poisoned, and I have my reservations on Mode and their alignment.

I have to be up in 7 hours so it’s bedtime for me, but I’m personally not against Magnus using Ignoble’s Dust today.

At the end of the day, he’s either evil or a hindrance, and mislynching a Venerable Lord seems to have bigger drawbacks than misvigging them if you’re Magnus.

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It is extremely good, especially considering that the drawback of the Summoner (abilities do nothing on successful kill) is a whole lot smaller than the drawback of the original FoL Knight (you survive the first defend, then die).

The thing about poisoning Seth is that, like I said, it potentially gives scum a chance to elect a scum King (who could actually be competent) and it kills off Magnus, when even one proper usage of Warden’s Ghost could be crucial.

I’m not disputing the fact that in this situation it’s less harm than, say, lynching Seth (not like he should ever be the lynch to begin with imo), but I’d prefer to find another way to resolve this.

Even though the argument of clearing out the PoE is a valid one.