SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Out of curiosity, do you have a target in mind for D3? Yes/no will suffice.

If Arete doesnā€™t, I might consider wanting to join

not particularly

Iā€™m open to suggestions

Alright, good.
I was hoping we could work it out together and suggest people to you.

If you have exactly nobody, could you add me to the droom sphere?

ikr why is the K for poKemon or Kid

he also always rolls scum

going off of META :tm: from DGADT him being really relaxed is Town AI

ā€¦wait are you saying heā€™s anxious in this game?


these are all weird, would lean wolf without his TonE


this is actually not analysis

if you link it id like to see if you were discussed because that means alot

Forgot about this
His first ā€œicebreakerā€ was weird - and basically asked people to out towntells/scumtells
Will just make people notice and change them

this feels like him trying to make me happy so iā€™ll like his slot
and it worked for a bit

I didnt even say anything about me being executed
I wasnt (and still am not) worried about that at all

Hes making a read on me almost entirely based off of Insurgency

But what i find odd is that - in his short time in WoW:BfA - he townread me, for these same reasons iirc
And i was scum

Im not scum here
But he should know not to use just Insurgency as a reason to townread me?
Idk if im explaining this well


do not say who you add.

suggestions/a pool are fine, but every time you add someone and say it and if its not gscum, the target on your back becomes bigger

I mean

Whether I say it or not, groupscum will know if the person I added was groupscum or not

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If arete plays this like strigboi
They will try to add people from both alignments for the best chance of winning

So i would love to know who is in the bubble at all times

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What happens when everyone is in the droom ball and then Arete just dies, who wins?

the sellsword

Im saying he always sounds anxious lmfao
But something feels especially off this time around

Does it kill anybody thatā€™s death immune?

If not, the NK.

It does, I think.
It kills everyone in the droom ball

Eh, iā€™m too lazy to ask so you should.

if the NK were in my bubble and I died, they would die as well

also, fun fact, I can use my abilities during a Lord election, so assuming Magnus self-resolves I can bubble whoever we want to elect

which allows for cross-neighborhood coordination via Allies + a couple nights of healing circling (I think, Iā€™m not 100 percent sure if I can use my night abilities on the Lord)

I swear Arete is totally planning to add everyone into the droom ball in order to self destruct and make no one win

Have you figured out what to do with the messages yet?