SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

OwOmancer is like
Scum’s best friend

Shit is weird

@anon6348071 @Jane I kind of like Blizers EoD. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I didn’t quite put it under a microscope, but it wasn’t bad. No bad pushes, no shade, he seems to be re-evaling. I want people to read Blizer’s EoD and come to their own conclusions though

In that case you absolutely accept that the moment you add someone scummy into the sphere – we immediately execute them.

Wait are we actually poisoning King? Cause I actually trust that Seth is GK ngl

I’m not a fan of it – I already said that I think this is going to be a lose-lose situation no matter what.
And I don’t know what Magnus has/has not done yet.


if arete adds scum to the sphere then it could get scum to not attack Arete which is +EV

If Seth is getting poisoned, I’d rather King Arete actually, since he’s forced to work with town essentially and is confirmed I guess

I’m pretty sure Anstreim means “execute the scummy person” here.


To dissuade Arete from ever scumsiding and force them to work with us until the end.
If they are bubbling king, then they should have multiple nights of mutual protection/healing like was said above.

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most of his read were very hedgy

We are literally never executing Arete.
Unless somehow every person in the bubble simultaneously dies – then I guess we could get them out.
But it would still be a wasted day.


d1 or d2?

Could you tell us whether you poisoned Seth yet or not?



I kinda dont want Mode on the throne, and im not sure on his alignment either(yes, these are seperate)

but I can see why executing kings isnt popular

but btw Oreo King cant actually guard people

yes I got that

Could you elaborate?

it can heal

it doesnt have Guards!

No one was ever planning to elect Arete.
If we would be electing someone then it would be a person in top TR’s.

coughs vibrantly

I mean I feel confident in electing Oreo King. Like I said, he’s confirmed and he works with town essentially or else we kill him