SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
clonedcheese ModeShifter, an_gorta_pratai 2/6
Jane Zone_Q11, Wazza 2/6
Wazza Jane, clonedcheese, Arete 3/6

/vote Wazza

this wagon is fine

/unvote For now.

Emilia was added to the Dream Sphere about half an hour ago.

For someone reason I didnā€™t get a notification about it this time.

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I donā€™t trust Zone, but I want to vote Jane. If I have to have someone I find scummy vote with me, then Iā€™ll go for it since I find Jane more scummy.

In Nightless I was demotivated. You all motivated me back and seeing Iā€™m a top wagon that gathers little to no information and that I still have one of the most powerful abilities in the game, pisses me off.

Please, explain this. Iā€™ve never seen something like this and this would be helpful as fuck to find out about.

Donā€™t we have that Princess class claim or something, you never know really but lots of scum stick to a claim and keep it until the end of the game and never change it. Iā€™ve done it a lot as scum and in situations like this, it caused me to win.

It wasnā€™t ignored? So many people followed onto it, including myself. Thatā€™s just a blatant lie.

ā€¦Uhh, yes. I suggested myself to be added to the sphere. Didnā€™t happen but I still suggested myself for it.

Mate, if Iā€™m Town we lose our only Offensive and then weā€™re fucked. Canā€™t you see that a mislynch gets us borderline MYLO? How the fuck canā€™t you see that? Thatā€™s literally the only reason I donā€™t want to die at this point.

There is no ā€˜If Wazza is scumā€™ because if Iā€™m fucking scum then yeah, game goes on. But if Iā€™m Town then Town will fucking lose as we have no way of saving our asses after a mislynch and you fucking know that, you arenā€™t that stupid and if you are I swear thereā€™s a lack of a braincell somewhere or youā€™re just scum.

Think about it.

If Centuries (Probably Town) and Zone (Slightly Scummy) are both Town, we will automatically fucking lose and then the only thing that stops us is the Neutral (Arete) from an instant game over. We lose majority and then weā€™re fucked because we get put into a situation where scum convert someone/kill someone and we just lose people left right and centre and then thereā€™s no fucking other way out of this. I swear to god if Iā€™m lynched.

You are literally a ā€œtop wagonā€ by 1 ā€“ I intentionally unvoted you for now. On the ā€œgathers little to no informationā€ part:
-It literally points us to who should be lynched/checked next;
-It clears out the narrow PoE we have because no one bothered to actually be productive and seriously look into others aside from two people;
-It gives us all of your logs/thoughts, from which we derive either associations, or our next lynch.

Also I might be deep into the tunnel, but ā€œyou all motivated me backā€ is a pretty weak explanation.

Except you literally replied to the post Iā€™m talking about before:

And I already said that if thereā€™s someone faking Offensive for some reason, Iā€™d expect it to be in the claims that are harder to confirm ā€“ like Mage/Resurrectionist. Incidentally, one of the Resurrectionists who I suspect is scum is dying tonight, the other one has an opportunity to prove herself by healing Centuries, the Mage is someone who I donā€™t view as a likely OG groupscum + they were apparently SFā€™d if we are to trust Seth.

The only class that can ā€œflirtā€ in this setup is the Stargazer ā€“ two of which are dead. Although I fail to see how a Princess-type class is relevant here to begin with.

The issue is that they literally never claimed, softed, or hinted at this claim before ā€“ unless thereā€™s something in the sphere, which I doubt there is ā€“ and we have two people we can ask about that now. @UnknownTraveler @Emilia
Claiming investigative over something easy to fake like Orator makes literally no sense if you are scum ā€“ because one alleged redirection buries you. And Jane literally cannot be converted because they were made CI on N2 by 82, and N1 conversion was likely missed because of no N2 eradicate.
Either way Iā€™m not going to clear on claims alone, Iā€™m just saying that I donā€™t view it as a likely thing to do.

Then please show me the quotes. Because from what I remember, the only accusations on you were:
-Cloned from yesterday (irl yesterday), which started off as a joke, yet the vote was kept because of you saying that you ā€œoccupiedā€ both people on N1.
-Unknown, same thing ā€“ unvoted shortly after.

How is this borderline MYLO if we have 4 protectives one of which is self-resolving + conversion protection for tonight? Literally any play the scum can make tonight has counterplay ā€“ if they Erad, we have healers + my guard, if they try to convert ā€“ their pool is extremely narrow and they have to WIFOM it.
And with Zone/Centuries dying, we literally either get a dead scum or an outed scum.

Whichā€¦ Is the point of that whole list?

Explained above, if you are somehow town we literally have both kinds of counterplay available.
And depending on which one in the Zone/Centuries dies, or if both die ā€“ we get outed scum out of it.

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Actually they did say they had info in Droom Ball like somewhere around the 24 hours mark at SoD

Did they soft/hint at their claim any time before that?

They just said they had info and was gonna reveal it 24 hours after SoD

Though that doesnā€™t really matter to me, since Iā€™m making Wazza my toop lonch tonight and seeing if Emelia and Zone can self resolve tonight

Irrelevant considering scum get majority in multiple ways upon a mislynch here. Youā€™re fucking blinding yourself on that part.

It doesnā€™t clear out shit and you canā€™t convince me that it can.

Iā€™ve literally given you them! All you have to do is look at it from my side of things and stop being some fucking blind asshole.

Iā€™ve used it before, itā€™s not a bad explanation for why I was motivated back. You were there at the time, were you not? Youā€™re very deep into the fucking tunnel since YOU WERE LITERALLY THERE.

Sorry that I didnā€™t read all of a post.
Additionally, if he claims his target was changed with no other offensives, doesnā€™t that look worse for him and not me?

I never normally hint to my classes before outing nonetheless.

Investigative is the easiest class and one of the most trustable classes. Itā€™s why people fakeclaim on these forums a lot, you spectate a lot of games you would know this.

Sure thing, give me a sec after sending this

Okay? Iā€™m sorry but youā€™re blind as fuck.

Okay, and how would you lynch the outed scum if both of these players are Town?

You know what, you clearly have no fucking clue what Iā€™m saying. I give up with this interaction. You lynch me, thatā€™s your fault. Not mine.

Why are you saying which one when both are going to die tonight?

They both claimed ressurectionist, they both can self resolve using healing on Zone or Cent

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3 fucking Resurrectionist claims? Are you joking?

Wait no I mean Emelia and Zone, not Cent, Cent is Cent

Show me said multiple ways of scum getting majority, then.
You say Iā€™m blinding myself and yet you arenā€™t refuting me on as to how.

It does because other people are literally more trustworthy than you + several of them resolve tonight.
You canā€™t convince me otherwise either.

I already read into some your interactions (or lack of them), but I obviously canā€™t make a conclusion if I donā€™t know your alignment. And right now I think that you are scummy ā€“ thatā€™s where the whole ā€œWho do we kill next if Wazza is scum/What do we do next if Wazza is townā€ list comes from.

Itā€™s not a ā€œbadā€ explanation but itā€™s an explanation backed up by nothing, and Iā€™m not going to clear people on it.
Itā€™s almost akin to explaining your lowposting and barely making any reads by WiM ā€“ which you have also done in this game.

Were where ā€“ are you talking about this game or what.

How is that worse for them if they have literally zero reason to out that information if they are scum since it brings attention to them.

Yes but the argument of ā€œscum can decide on a class and stick to itā€ becomes moot because they arenā€™t forced/confined to it if they donā€™t soft. You donā€™t pick difficult over easy just because itā€™s difficult ā€“ that makes no sense.

Not a single game that Iā€™ve spectated (and if you insist Iā€™m literally going to compile a list for you) had scum claiming investigative with information that wasnā€™t damning town. This is why Janeā€™s information looks worse for you ā€“ because itā€™s not a peek, not a track, not a redcheck ā€“ itā€™s a vague redirection that ā€œmightā€ come from a scum Offensive that is fakeclaiming. Except, again, I trust literally every other person that I view as a potential scum faking it to be more towny than you.

Already said in the beginning ā€“ give me all of your scenarios.

Iā€™m pushing you because I think that you are the most likely candidate ā€“ I wouldnā€™t be pushing you otherwise, of course the lynch will be on me. Because not a single other person even considered or tried to make a strong case against anyone.

Emilia Channels the dead Mage to heal Centuries.
Zone is left to die to delay vig.
If Centuries dies, Emilia dies next.
Unknown/Arete heal each other.
I protect someone I trust while Gorta uses Fated Night to prevent scum visits to someone he trusts.

Irrelevant now. I was told the nightplan, seems that Town still have a chance upon a mislynch.

Stop trying to convince me that Iā€™m the best fucking lynch, I know what I am and I know that Iā€™m a powerful as fuck Town especially in a situation like this.

Then get the fuck back on my wagon, see if I give a shit anymore. Thereā€™s just no point trying to refute shit when I have no clue whatā€™s going on because of my lack of reading. Thereā€™s like a little more than an hour left and itā€™s only 3 people in the thread. Thatā€™s barely nothing to try move the lynch when scum can just enter the thread and cause my lynch anyway. This argument seems pointless.

Janeā€™s a softer to be fair which is why Iā€™m puzzled that they havenā€™t softed in a long time.

My game of being an investigative scum is a great example to prove this wrong. (No clue if you spectated - DGADT)

Response is at the top of my post.

thanks sherlock.

Me and Zone

Good to know. This plan doesnā€™t include Jane at all so why am I the best target? Iā€™m a lot more powerful and a lot less scummy than Jane mechanically so explain to me why I should be lynched over Jane.

Wait. What? No.
I canā€™t heal myself. Let Emilia heal me!

Canā€™t you target yourselfā€¦?

Sorry youā€™re alive. You can target yourself. That response I donā€™t like at all.