SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

No. I already asked, and I can’t self-heal using 82nd’s corpse.

Hmmmm really now?

I’m going to ask just to make sure. I don’t like this.

Hm, it says they can’t self target.

But that just proves their own classcard wrong so…I’m unsure.

What the hell do you mean?

Amelia said Ressurectionist can’t use dead Mage to heal themselves

This is gonna be troulbesome

The wording of this explicitly states they can target any alive player. Not any other alive player.

Blame the description; not the player.

What’s the vote count right now?

How? As I said before, Emilia heals me, I heal Cent, and you and Arete heal each other.

Simple, right?

3 - 2 - 2

3 Wazza
2 Jane
2 Cloned(?)

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Anyway. We’ve got an hour left.

I’m not “convincing” you, I’m giving you my reasoning.

I’m not going to vote you until at the very least Gorta/Centuries are present in the thread and read my wallpost on you.
Also we have more than 25 hours left and you literally replied to the post where CRichard was modkilled, so you would know it as well:

Are you going to say that you didn’t read this post either?

Also I sincerely doubt that you will ever be quickhammered – and with the VC we have now, it would require all scum to out themselves – which I doubt they would do.
Last but not least – I’m going to tell you the exact same thing I told PKR: There is always a point to defend yourself. You could’ve at the very least backread yesterday, when we wasted several hours arguing about mechanics that got us nowhere.

Are they? They didn’t soft in 61 from what I remember, in 61.5 they made some implications but they were completely and utterly vague – until they literally outed on D4(?).

You were NK DG that literally had abilities to check people – weren’t you?
That’s not the same as say CL/MM claiming invest in an open setup, because they don’t have an ability to do it.

On who? Jane? Gave my thoughts on them + the reason why I think they are pretty much always town.
On Cloned? That wasn’t a case, that was mech – which was wrong in the end.

Seth’s “strong case” consists of mindlessly pushing Emilia on the basis that she apparently openwolfed in Allies, which isn’t noted anywhere in EightySecond’s logs.

You mean Arete’s case on you? It wasn’t even a case, it was a one/two post response. They literally haven’t pushed anyone this game because they are a survivor neut.

Because Jane literally already used Fated Night and I wrote several posts above as to why I think they are town.

You are not because their information doesn’t condemn specifically you which is what scum would aim to do, it literally tells us:
“There was a redirection on Chloe”.

Jane will usually soft their class from what I remember, I don’t know if I’m remembering wrong or not though.

I completely forgot that we got extended by 24 hours, my b.


That is the same, purely for the fact that MM can get an ability to do that and oh I don’t know, it’s easy as fuck to fake Invest?

Yes but it’s still a case, mech or not. Mechanical Cases exist and as everyone knows, I prefer mechanics over social reads.


That’s still pushing someone…That’s what you aren’t understanding.

Uhh, this is completely fucking incorrect. I’m assuming this is a Cult Game in this post:

  • Invoker can redirect a player to themselves using their base.
  • Invoker can take the abilities from my class (Or another offensive class if they have it)

Jane would also give us the same information on this. I’m starting to think you’re scum based on how bad this tunnel is seeming.

Agree to disagree.

And I’ve said several times that people should not be cleared on mechanics or social reads alone, but on both of these combined.

You mean this?

I would like to see a world where this constitutes as a case to begin with – not even as a strong one.

Pushing someone =/= making a case on them.
“Seth is wolfy” is a push that isn’t backed up by anything.
“Seth is a wolf because he did X which is scum indicative, then did Y and Z which caused us to ML town” is an actual case. I hoped that people would do the latter – but this argument is pointless so I’m not going to waste time on it.

So what prevents from you mechanically being an Invoker, which is a convert of an Offensive class that a Tailor is.
Or what mechanically prevents you from being a starting Invoker with Tailor alts.

“This push is bad so you are bad” isn’t a refutal – that’s just OMGUS with extra steps.
If you think that I’m scum – then tell me why and how I’m scum. Do you think that I don’t believe in my arguments against you?
Do you think that there are points that I cannot back up/explain? (Point them out if you think this by the way, I’m all in for explaining my thought process – though I already explained majority of it.)

Can you explain this further?

Oh yeah, speaking of which.
If my tinfoil is correct and Zone is the starting CL, then you claiming to Dress him and Emilia up on the night we explicitly told PK to vig him would give him a perfect alibi.
Because you know that he’d be visited.


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