SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I’m aware of what Cult Alts are.

What I want to know is, what cult alts can a cult take.

Touche, not even gonna refute this one.

Literally any of them would be my guess, because locking them behind a specific class sounds nonsensical.
Ask Amelia.

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Yeah, cult alts need to be specified. Idk why they aren’t.

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Cult alts hurt my brain.
Though the real question is, which is more confusing?
Cult alts or Tailor?

Tailor. 100%

Either way I’m going to bed. As always, ping me if something.

I have said whats on my mind and I am too tired+drunk to think of anything more, so goodnight

/vote Wazza I am hoping this is scum because I don’t know where the scum are at this point. It can only be in Jane/Wazza/Cloned/Emilia/Anstreim/ and UT at this point and you know what I think about most of those. I will try to be on before the EoD


i still think its not wazza

im not like

thinking im 100% correct

but as i see things rn

i struggle to believe its wazza

@Arete who’s getting bubbled and @ChopChop who’s going into allies

Dunno about allies, but Emilia got kidnapped.


Wow! 6 entire posts in the span of 10 hours!

With 1 even being “not entirely unproductive”!

What a great idea this extension was!

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Let’s stop wasting time.

/vote Wazza

/accuse Wazza

That’s hammer by the way.

Hammer has been reached on @Wazza. Ending day shortly.



wazza made shit clothing so some people fucking murdered him for it

actual flavour coming at some point

@Wazza has been executed. He was:

The Tailor

Regal Lion Offensive
Your New Clothes (Passive) - If a player visits someone dressed as their class, their visit will be guaranteed to succeed.
Tripwire (Day) - Occupy target player for this day. 1 use
Dress Up (Night) - Choose two players. Dress the first as the second. If anyone else visits one of your targets tonight you will occupy that target. Infinite uses
Silver Strings (Night) - Redirect two players to each other tonight. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.

Night 4 begins. It will end at 2020-07-17T11:30:00Z. Action submission deadline is 1 hour before SoD.

You may not post

He left behind logs:

N1 - Dress Up Centuries and Apprentice (Emilia) - No Deaths
N2 - Silver Strings Centuries and Emilia - Deaths: Me, Possibly Others
N3 - Dress Up Blizer and Highway_101**

SoD may be delayed due to the host’s sleep schedule

Action submission deadline was stated to be now. Due to an uncertain time for SoD, it will remain now (1 hour before the announced time of SoD)