SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!


After the grave error of executing Wazza happened the previous day, the remaining court members could only get little sleep, lest they face nightmares beyond their control. Little did they know, these nightmares would come true.

3 more bodies were found this time, being clonedcheese, an_gorta_pratai, and even the Lord, ModeShifter. It was a horrifying sight on its own, but… it got even worse

Once the 3 remaining Regal Lions arrived in the courtroom, they came across Jane, Zone, and Anstreim in dark robes, performing a sacrificial ritual using their own blood! Once these cultists saw them, they immediately casted sealing magic and held these victims in place. It was the end… the Cult had won.

That’s when Arete arrived in the courtroom whilst somehow still sleeping.

an_gorta_pratai was killed during the night! He was…

The Clockmaker

Regal Lion Investigative
Fated Night (Day) - Prevent all Unseen and Cult visitors to your target of your night abilities tonight. 1 use
Clockworks (Night) - Learn if your target is visited by a member of the Unseen or Cult tonight. Infinite uses
The Hands of Time (Night) - Learn if your target is visited by the Unseen or Cult tonight, and which Unseen or Cult classes visited them last night. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.


n1: clockwork Arete <not visited by either
n2: clockwork Chloe <not visited by either
n3: HoT Anstreim <not visited by either
d4: fated night
n4: HoT Anstreim

clonedcheese was killed during the night! He was…

The Scribe

Regal Lion Investigative
Sigil of Sight (Day) - Learn if a player has any day abilities used on them today. 2 uses :crown:
Record Observations (Night) - Follow a player and learn who they visit tonight. Infinite uses
Runic Eye (Night) - Learn a player’s faction. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.


n1 runic eye apprentice (now emilia) - regal lions

ModeShifter was killed during the night! He was…

The Venerable Lord :shield: :crown: :fire:

Regal Lion Special
Inheritance (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote to nominate a new Lord. If you are executed during the day, all healing will fail tonight and all investigations will return Regal Lion tonight.
Tenacity (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits. You can use all day abilities in the same day.
Trial By Council (Day) - Choose 4 players other than yourself. They will be unable to be executed today, and must unanimously decide who will be executed today amongst themselves. 1 use
Venerable Law (Day) - Choose a player and make them immune to conversion for the rest of the game. 1 use (starting Lord only)
Allies (Day) - Choose two players who will share a night chat with you tonight. Infinite uses
Personal Guard (Night) - Send your guards to protect a player and make them death immune tonight. 2 uses :crown:
Adviser (Night) - Make a player immune to occupation, redirection, and visit prevention tonight. 2 uses

Defeat the Unseen and Cult as well as any neutrals who stand in your way.


If your reading this.
Your Lord has died.

Day 1 Actions - Venerable Law on UT (Can’t ever become converted) Allied UT and Wazza
Night 1 Action - Adviser UT
Day 2 Action - Trailed the Council and Allied CRichard and Anstreim
Night 2 Action - Personal Guard CRichard
Day 3 Action - Allied Emila and EightySecond
Night 3 Action - Personal Guard UT
Day 4 Action - ZoneQ11 and Dead Guy (?)
Night 4 Action - Adviser Emila
(Emila is Scum. 100% confirmed via Allies)
(Centuries is the convert, making Wazza Town)
(ClonedCheese probably emila’s partner)
(But you guys lynched Wazza like a bunch of fuckin idiots)

Night 4 has ended, but the game has also ended. Do not speak yet.

With that, the Regal Lions can no longer possibly defeat the Cult, so…

The Cult and Oneiromancer win!


Didn’t follow the game at all, but gj scum.

The Cult finally wins another game.
Props to
@Jane and @Zone_Q11 for being awesome partners and tolerating my incessant theorizing.

Amelia are we going to have dead/spectator chats public?


Wait but what do I do now with all the cat pictures I’ve been collecting to post when our victory was assured?

@ChopChop, what the ****?
You buffed the person you thought was CL!?


Dump them
You have my permission :^)

Anyway uh

This game was

Very yes in terms of certain things


Wow, exactly right! :joy_cat:


A huge contributor to the Regal Lions’ loss was the modkill, so please note that your defeat was partially due to unavoidable mod action. There were some critical errors made by the RL that cannot be ignored.


Yeah the modkill completely wrecked their chances

But despite that, Cult played well and deserve their win

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Also you might want to change the title :eyes:

Have you forgotten :^)

I can’t change it

Anstreim in Cult chat



Ah yeah, before I forget




Im sorry for replacing out this game

Shit happend in IRL, and mentally could not play this

Jane im espically sorry, cosnidering you had to deal with an empty slot for like two days


You still haven’t answered my question about the spec/dead chats though :eyes:

They will be posted as soon as I can


yea @Chloe

You almost ruined the meme

we tried to convert Ans n1

Chloe didn’t ruin it D:

EightySecond and Unknown did