SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I’m mostly interested in why you let Highway slide, and not Apprentice.

I thought I let Apprentice slide? Let me reread their openings :S

(You didn’t explicitly mention it like you did with Highway.)

Ah, regarding Apprentice I wrote their part while reading the list, they didn’t speak much other than that opening so I kind of forgot about them.

Tbf, I think I’m just making up excuses right now and it’s just a difference that happened on a whim.

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I think most of your explanations were slightly villagery except for

Not sure what to think of this. Probably just going to ignore it.

Also @Wazza do stuff please :upside_down_face:

no can do buckaroo.

It’s D1, I’ll pass.

i got a bad stomachache

ate too much toothpaste

How disappointing :frowning: .

That isn’t good.
I don’t think you’re supposed to eat toothpaste.


you aren’t supposed to?

Out of curiosity, have you backread anything at all or did you just skip everything?

Also I think that part is probably fine, because they didn’t really have a reason to bring it up out of nowhere?

Yeah, but it’s also self-aware.

I think I remember seeing a woof do this kind of thing at least once before, but can’t remember where.

From what I understand it’s their first FoL game and I don’t really think newbscum would post something like that? But that’s more of a guess than a take.


It’s not like I think they’re scum for it, I just think it’s not villagery.

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I read things earlier, but not here.

Alright so I got some sleep, I feel like in the mood to play this except uhh first day is 24 hours, which I had no idea about, I thought it was gonna be 48 hours like most matches but oh well.

Well my intentions were to:

  1. Bring something to the chat. At the time, I didn’t want chat to become a dead hole of nothing so I wanted something to move the thread foward. I know some people would give obvious answers but I knew that there were gonna be 1 or 2 people who would give odd answers that would allow us to question them and move this thread foward.
  2. Use this as a reference later down the line. If Player A said he was gonna heal Player B and then later down the line he claims healer but heals Player C night 1, I could use this as a contradicting point in their logs
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Also I’m still slightly concerned that Seth is townreading me for some reason but ok. If cops really want to check me, then they can however, I want to remind everyone that Mastermind has investigation immunity so that wouldn’t even fully clear me unless cult game I think