SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

I see that now

Alright, thats understandable tbh.

Cents is townlean atm after going through yesterday again

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Can we please drop this topic now.


Agree, while it would technically clear things up.

Itā€™s very EV- to continue this discussion

Apart from Cent, any thoughts from this night?
Areteā€™s play makes me like them a bit less, but otherwise the list is pretty much the same.

As is the lack of SLā€™s, though I feel more or less comfortable moving my lower nulls into PoE unless they actually engage with the thread today.

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It looks to be a cult game from the look of things, unless Assassin got his killed blocked or was occupied.

Reads have not changed much from yesterday.

Same boat as you tbh, i want to see more of the lowerposters talk in the thread and interact with others.

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Did I every answer your question ans?

Nope, you did not.
Iirc it was late so you had to go.

What was the question again?

I kinda donā€™t want to go into theorizing on that yet because there are just so many different permutations.
Occupy/healing/hitting DI/hitting guard/whatever ā€“ itā€™s always same on D2.

Although I guess bleeds could be somewhat indicative since CL has 1 and Assassin has 3 ā€“ meaning CL probably wouldnā€™t use their charges early on.
But those are just assumptions.

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I asked for your reads.

You know I donā€™t have many of those, but I can give you what I have

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I actually want to dig into Anstreimā€™s read on my behavior a little more

right now it feels like heā€™s conflating how he feels about my play this game on general principle with his read on my alignment and itā€™s kind of weird

Yeah, Iā€™d also like to interact with them more tbh.

Then dig into it.
I donā€™t like the fact that you claimed so early on as a confirmable (but not completely clearing) role, because I think that a player of your level shouldnā€™t have hard time clearing themselves through interactions.
Not to mention that most of your posting from D1 didnā€™t really give me strong vibes either way.

Well, Iā€™m here. Ask your questions if you have any.


part of why I didnā€™t really exist yesterday is that I was trying to do the LyLo thing over in Joat9

I couldnā€™t say this at the time because ongoing games but I can now since I did not, in fact, do the LyLo thing very well

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Letā€™s talk about your reads then, did any of your opinions change from EoD/last night? What do you think of Apprentice/101/EightySecond?

Iā€™m pretty sure you had this as a scumlean EoD1.

What about them changed your mind overnight?

Also I thought Gortaā€™d be higher tbh.

Mechanically I think itā€™s kinda weird that you didnā€™t mention the Fiddler strategy that was discussed in Sign-Up thread. Donā€™t think itā€™s really AI since you could have just forgotten, I guess.

give me a minute to actually re-read their posts

Iā€™m trying to find more we can discuss but we agree on most things aaaaa.