SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

The reason I haven’t given more reads is that I got busy playing some games with friends earlier and ended up playing games with them until 4 in the morning

Others have made reads on me in my current level of activity

There is a semi difference in tone on d2 from Blizer and that’s why I think Blizer has convert equity here. It could just come from being busy, but uh yeah, I don’t know

at first he was like “going to change my playstyle” but then he dropped


If me and Blizer were removed (not saying you should remove Blizer from the list, this is an rhetorical question) from todays execution list who would be there in our places?

I didn’t catch much of a difference in his tone, but I don’t think him being groupscum is completely implausible.
One could argue that he was ‘alone’ in the thread but he interacted with 2-3 people (me/Cent/arguably Jane).

Don’t think it tells us much.

hence slight difference and I am off to bed now

Well, I’d like you to point out posts that you perceived as ‘different’ when you wake up again.

I might just be tired and crazy here, but I can do this by the latest d3 . I do want to re-eval later though

People I should probably reread today.

Wazza’s only there assuming they’ll start playing today.

Psycho’s probably more likely to be newbtown than newbscum.

I already started playing properly?

No you haven’t.

All you’ve been doing is being uncooperative and stalling.

The fuck are you on about? I started a push on Mode.

If you’re town, it’s simple.



When you honestly shouldn’t have from a Town PoV.

See I don’t use Allies to put Town reads in it.
I use Allies to solve alignments.

Check at the Mystic game I had.

Except you yourself admitted that N1 allies were more or less useless.
Not so much alignment-solving when you could’ve just spoken with TR’s instead and made some sort of a gameplan.

I mean if you’re town and you’re not helping that’s not playing for your win condition.
Do stuff :upside_down_face: .

My apologies. I had been asleep since I last posted. Was not feeling quite 100% and I am still trying to juggle everything.

Also mech talk is a lot of my go to. So I request that you do not think of it as scummy. Many people here can attest to this just being what I do.

Especially since I am like, stressed to have such a big decision on my shoulders (With 3 others) but also excited that I might be able to prove my reading skill.