SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Doesn’t feel like they’re really trying to solve?

Could be it’s just too early?

Guess it’s just something to keep in mind.

He pulled a chloe

He has too much energy at the start of the game

WoW he went straight to solving
And had a “professional” demeanor

This feels weird

Mindmeld = lockTown?

Gut already said you were town, so…

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eh, you could say that for everyone

yes of course

eh without you knowing my meta you could say that

but then thats just my normal personality

eh, its more of my early games on a forum being more serious from the get go than
my scummeta being non serious

Towngod!Jane = risen?

First Posts in WoW FM

yeah this is pretty different from her opening here tbh.

For sure noted and something to consider as the day progresses

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Centuries is a dude btw

if im wrong please correct me im sorry

I know issa joke but thats just one of the words i use lots

You heard my voice yesterday chleb

i sound like a manly man right

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I mean

I sound like a 12 year old boy

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thats not true

Jane, Chloe, Anstreim, and me are reading people already and are trying to do read people.

NAI tbh


we shall see

yeah, your looking weird here so far Cent

You don’t what lmaooo

I always fuck up wtih gender shit tbh

idk why

need to stop assuming lol.

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Arete i see you lurking


It is?

I’m too lazy to check rn. Anyway, would be dumb to lie about something like this.

Towngod!Jane is not risen then I guess :frowning:

I mean if you want reads

I think you look way more agressive here Blizer, I dunno why

compared to BFA were you were mostly passive, maybe its recency bias when you had pretty low wim by the end but it really sounds different, not saying you actively scumhunting is scum ai but yeah

Again, do want more posts before i really do have a conclusive read here on Cents, but yeah Cent feels off here a bit.

I did state i was gonna change my playstyle was i not lol.

It’s mostly this part where you really jump to conclusions early which I don’t remember you doing

If you say so, frankly I don’t remember, but the gap is fairly big playstyle wise