SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

UnknownTraveller was added to the dream sphere.


Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
TheBlueElixir Chloe, Emilia 2/9
EightySecond Wazza 1/9
an_gorta_pratai ModeShifter 1/9
Blizer CRichard564 1/9
PokemonKidRyan PokemonKidRyan, Jane 2/9

Please ping me if I made an error. May also do a replacement pingus soon because I still haven’t found any :sob:


forgot about that

i will wait a bit before voting PKR; theyll probably be back and respond to Jane’s thing before EOD

I’m here, I read through thread, and I want to know what y’alls PoE looks like.

Mine is:

Gorta, TBE, PKR

re-eval gorta please

or like, provide reasoning for that one

me too, but I dont think I get much say in that

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aint gonna lie I just looked at the votecount and thought “hmm, which of these do I think would be good lynching candidates”

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I think this was mostly him wondering if both win conditions apply simultaneously, even though I’m not sure why one would bother with that since fulfilling at least 1 of those already wins Fiddler the game.

This is actually a curious part, because he himself talked about this before and still decided to heal me.
But I’ve more or less talked about that above – just disregard the part where I thought Condemnation was a Night ability because I’m apparently illiterate.

This does look somewhat performative to me, but I’ve seen several people sign up for a game and not read the OP so I didn’t pay much attention to it.

This part was weird but I mostly interpreted that as laziness – though it should be obvious why putting that information in the thread would be -EV.

Don’t think that’s much of an argument since he has been doing this the whole game.

And I already mentioned that I think the whole “Darkstalker TMI” discussion was not good, mainly because I don’t believe that was a slip in any world – but he didn’t really elaborate on it when I pointed that out. Also the only time it could be a slip was if Unknown was NK themselves, and I don’t really see it either?

I’ll admit I’m not a fan of his reaction and selfvote + AtE, not to mention that logic between me somehow being safer to heal than Magnus is something that I don’t understand.

Also can I ask you why did you choose the most eyeburning colors possible and why did you decide to color this abomination to begin with.

tbf that’s NAI for PKR

at least he didn’t put himself at L-1 in LyLo this time

I’m going to be kinda busy today, apologies if my activity drops.

catch up

Because you have been slanking lmao. I would love to see these ISOs

NK is possible - and since Ans is alive and Magnus died, its pretty safe to say you healed Ans - when in reality, someone else could have, or nobody did, and Magnus was killed otherwise.

I know i said fuck mech but, @EliThePsycho since your target is already known information - what was your result last night?

I think Centuries socially isn’t scum - however, mechwise, there are too many factors at play. He could easily be a completely different classtype that bluffed after seeing Wazza’s softs. Don’t clear off of mech ree ):<

These are two slots I can see as potential misclears. Don’t ask for anything solid because I don’t have anything solid lmao - its pure gut and paranoia. I will try to re-read these slots before EoD, but I don’t want either of them executed today anyways.

These takes actually feel genuine. Hes not sheeping consensus, and instead forming his own opinions. They are kinda hedgy though. I would love quotes backing up his reads. I want more from him, before I put him any higher.

This is not how it works. Nobody should out if they healed Ans. Don’t clear on mech info or lack-thereof.

Why do i feel like you are never going to follow through with this lmfao

We should probably give executioner a solid target, and PK a pool to wifom in just incase of a scum healer (which is unlikely but eh). But the fact that they know to expect a vig now is a little doo-doo

they better be good

I was actually just about to drop the vig-plan on Blizer for a bit to see who ends up pushing him, since bussing could absolutely be the case
Its too late now, meh.
Everyone has mostly moved on.

You hadn’t been pushed in the slightest - it was just my suggested PoE at the time. It wasn’t even consensus. I don’t think that amount of pressure should lead to you claiming.

Ohhh? This is spicy. I have thoughts but its probably best not to say them.

Aight yeah I thought this was an RT - I don’t see Cult converting a bled person.
Also, it… was an RT on PKR? Not on Ans?
I don’t understand why you rescinded so quickly, when you could have… ya know… gotten more of a response from Ans to determine if he maybe was converted last night - despite being bled. Did you get anything you view as AI from Ans or anyone on the sidelines?

I don’t see PKR saying he didnt use his convert-immune-abil? He just didn’t use it on Ans - which is fine??? Ans was bled, why use the convert-immune abil on him.
This rescind was faster than your last RT. Jeez.

I do, however, think this is a dumb reason to heal Ans. Frostweaver could have (and probably should have imo?) used Absolute Zero on Ans last night - so you couldve died as well.

Even with these cases on PKR, he should not be the execution today imo. Hes a possible NK candidate, but we should focus on getting groupscum out, as it gives us associations and interactions to work with, as well as VCA - all of which we can analyze overnight.
I’d rather leave PKR for Executioner.


@ChopChop put me in allies.


I’m lazy. That way I have to explain less.

everyone is missing a way for Centuries to be non-Seeker scum

I don’t think he is but people are missing it

first to point out the specific thing I’m thinking of gets a cat picture

Sure, I’m fine with Executioner killing it instead. It’ll take longer though, unless they use their day ability.

/Vote TheBlueElixir.

I mean

There are like
A million ways lmfao

Bluff on action and results bc he saw wazza’s softs
Cult alts
Hes CL and converted emilia over highway

you get a cat picture

give me a moment

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Can it be fluffy please

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My day has been made

Thank you

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Also I thought i did this earlier, but…

/vote TheBlueElixer too.

You swapped onto centuries iirc

Oh, that’s true.

I don’t see my vote on the votecount, so /shrug