SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Remind me; which post did he say was pointlsss?

I know.

I’m kinda just trying to get people of his ass because he’s in his village meta here.

Apprentice also didnt see me as the same person who was his teammate in insurgency - last game - where i was a wolf

and an obvious one at that
But eh i’ll take it

Imma keep bein chleb

LMAO zero interaction eh?
Hold on, lemme just work my magic.

I mean I was only alive 1 day


Oh boy, honestly, I would like to side PKR in this argument, but now I feel like this is a Town vs Town type argument and it would be pointless to side either for now. But hey, more interactions and such, good material to work with

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Also, what is a W/W

Can i ask who is town/town?

Wolf v Wolf.
Basically two scum members going at each other for theatrics.

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I guess PKR and Mode
I don’t want to say Mode is EK for now, I just have a slight theory that he might be

dont pull up me calling your mech play bad in order to count as an interaction bc LMFAO


Lol found some magical Interactions and the last one PKR LIKED LOL.

I mean… the last one is just true.

wow what magical ai interaction that totally warrants me being scum read

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This marks 2 people who are making t/t or w/w reads that include the king

imagine making serious reads d1 when they can’t even ML you for not trying

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I do not know whether I like how we are bouncing off each other or I am finding it disconcerting as I still do not know where to place you and you are living rent free in my head atm.

W/W is worse because theatrics csnt really exist if you dont know the faction of the other player


No me gusta


i like you

but you remind me of insurgency play wise

maybe u have wim and thats it