SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

one with town hero syndrome

I know but how am I the same as Cheeki?

also, one with a different value system

I’m not saying you are, SDA is saying that, ask him

who wants my goods tonight

I honestly wouldn’t be that surprised if that was the scum team.

sell me drugs o kind merchant

I highly doubt that.

thanks real merchant for not cc’ing me yet btw l m a o

So… this is awkward.

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I’d like a little something please.

Sorry guys :confused:

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I’m saying that if V!Cheeki genuniely believes that it was the wrong move to do that, then they’ll make that post
regardless of whether they’re correct or not

You said it yourself. CC would want merchant to visit a thief and CC wanted merchant to visit you. Care to explain?

what do u want because i’m setting it as 3 coins
because realistically game is never lasting more than 4 nights

I actually have no idea

I highly doubt Cheeki is ever a villager here.


Like I legitimately don’t know what was going on with Intensify and now my entire head is fucked up

Stamina potion please.

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Promise to sell me that and you have my vote to be king.