SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

I think I’ll keep who I vote for a secret now. That way, both Marl and Arctic can be happy.

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I’d be fine with a Merchant King if I knew we could trust them, but lolparanoia

it’s okay
you don’t have to vote me
i will just laugh when marl deathtunnels all the town and you lose

He’s a Mason, right? Just hope his Mason buddy doesn’t egg him on lol

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Then I’ll vote Marl and you can say that you told us so if that happens.

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Once I die you can make arctic king for all I care lol

But mom said it’s my turn on the throne


Agreed. If you die,Arctic becomes the next king.

I’m realizing the only game leafia has seen from me is shortnite

Leafia I had like a 7 game town winstreak on MU once

There’s a competent bone somewhere in my body I swear

oh no
we both did terribly in that game lol

I’ll do my best to search for it.

Correct. Both of you did.

most of the town did

True. Town deserved that loss. We earned it.

Anyway, suppertime for me now.

i was watching netflix lmao

I remember people talking about claimtrain when i left, and I would like to say that I am completely indifferent to that. If people want it then I’ll do it, simple as that

did anyone confirm this btw? because I don’t actually know the answer to that. I assumed our classes were unique :sweat_smile:

I wanna say I remember someone saying there can be 2, but I wasn’t sure

I’d really like to hear more from you, I really believe you’re scum and you haven’t really said anything to change my mind.