SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

3 drug dealers mmmmmm

unironically scummy post
i’d have done the leafia ISO, but i kinda accidentally deleted the post and i’m too lazy to start again, so
but this post supports my hot take

key word

imagine wanting the potion

I would buy it for 20 gold.


How does gold work lol

You’re taking NAI posts and doing your best to make them look scummy probably because you couldn’t find any other losts that do it.

is this the part where leafia deathtunnels me

I think you’re potential scum, but not 100% certain about it just yet and I’ve learned from my past mistakes. No more deathtunneling for me.

i bet 10 imaginary points that leafia will deathtunnel me within the next 12 hours

I bet you 15 that I won’t. I want to focus on other people more and deathtunneling makes that impossible. Last game I got into too many death tunnels with townies and look what ended up happening. Scum won. That won’t happen again. I’ll make sure town wins this one.

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30 imaginary points are in the pot, because i raise my bet to 15


It’s a bet then.


Also, you must think I’m town if you think I’ll deathtunnel you.

well no
i’m just predicting it
there’s no actual stock from me in it

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I think you might be TMIing.me town here but I’m going to keep my eye on you to try and determine your alignment. !scumLeafia would have no reason to deathtunnel you after all, and that much should be obvious, so why do you think I’ll deathtunnel you if you think I’m scum? That’s what I’m trying to figure out right now. Anyone want to help me do so?

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Oops. Didn’t mean to add the dot.

to make people meta you town xd

Hmmm, come to think of it, I can see scum!me doing that.

You know you’re a bad town player when you can see yourself deathtunneling a townie as scum to get towncred.


I like to think I’ve been improving on that little by little though.
