SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

this is my pelt again lol

Anyone know when EoD is?

2021-02-17T17:56:00Z assuming we don’t hammer

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Oh I thought it was today, lets go

What’s going on bois

hello SDAp

are u town?

answer wisely

Actually, I believe him and me caught Shurian together although I was scumreading Shurian way back on D1.


You wish it was your pelt. I was pushing Shurian ever since then and you were ppushing cheeki. Don’t claim a pelt that belongs to me and Chop.

I swear if Shurian flips town you’re all gonna look terrible lol

let’s not forget that i was the first person to scumread both intensify and shurian :joy_cat:

merchant for the win

Shuri town

No way is Shurian town with how he has been I refuse to believe it.

No. I was the first one to scumread Shurian before anyone else even mentioned him.

honestly I still haven’t figured out exactly what Shurian was trying to signal

Lets not forget that I got a redcheck n1 god im so cool

He won’t flip town. I n fact, if he does, I’ll guzzle a bottle of hot sauce. That’s how sure I am that he won’t flip town here. Town never acts the way he’s acting. It has I am scum written all over it.

You do look a lot better, but you aren’t 100% cleared yet.

can u just say drink instead of guzzle