SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

I have to admit that I find it very likely that you’re correct here.

Cheeki outed himself by voting me

which vote is this referring to, leafia

Sorry cheeki you shouldn’t push an IC :pensive:


are you aware of what ur doing while claiming cheeki is bc or

Alright, there is announcent.

eevee was replaced by @ATNoName

That’s about it. Carry on.

1 Like

sup atn


hi at

well then, anything I can do?

Have you read thread?

absolutely not


oh he did pop in, I completely forgot because there was like no content at all

You should probably go do that then.

Only like 700. By the time you finish there’ll probably only be like 800 posts

catch up while you still can
and welcome

I kinda of want to vote Derps for his pfp

Your vote for Wazza.

follow up question : do you think wazza is town then?

I personally feel that Cheeki is the best lynch for today at the moment.

afaic atno is spewed v because eevee was complaining about how scumsided the setup was and then subbed out :joy_cat:

I don’t really think so, Eevee is Eevee and would’ve complained as any alignment imo