SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

If we do that, we out the BD and flat out lose. The scum will know exactly who to kill to win.

BD dying doesn’t mean scum win

even in the worst possible scenarios scum only have 1 kill per night

Ity does put us in a very bad situation though.

Plus, the scum will know exactly who to kill.

If we kill the thief who bypasses healing they can’t kill the BD

Ice Dragon Avatar is immune to death and can heal the adventurer

We don’t know who that is and even if we did, two of them can do that and that wouldn’t prevent them from killing the BD.

so our best bet is to mass claim, box them in as much as we can
and full solve day 2 with what info we have

this is the FOL way

It’s only immune once.

one bpv means scum will never target them with a night kill

Your plan flat out guarantees a town loss. I don’t know how you can’t see it. Don’t you realizre that scum likely have been provided with fakeclaims?

leafia all the possible roles are in the OP
they can only claim a select few nonprovable classes
we can narrow down our POE SIGNIFICANTLY

also the bureaucrat already knows who the BD are
any time it benefits the scum they can just out the BD to the scumteam

the bureaucrat doesn’t need to live to win

When scum know what everyone is and town doesn’t kjnow who they are, it always benefits scum.

Yes BC does need to live to win.

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Hi. Just woke up fron a long nap.

Im very lost with this game just for everyone’s information. Also Leafia, where does it say that scum are provided fakeclaims

It doesn’t say that, but they usually are in these games.

Also, only half the town toles are even in use.