SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

which one

You didn’t really need to out, I already had you as the other BD and a Semi-Clear

Also if Min is Beu then lol.
Imagine if Marlu died
Then Min did my CC plan on you.

eh, I figured most people knew I had to be the other BD by now anyway
better for the village if they know, since the BC knows and scum probably figured it out

I would have like, hard voted Min.

Just listen to it at this point. Even if I gave my opinion, you wouldn’t listen to it because I’m lockscum to you. Nothing I can say can change that, so why try? In fact, I’ll make it easy for you. I’m drug dealer so kill me now. No wait, people want the schemer dead more to help clear Shurian so I’m that. Nah, people want drug dealer dead more so I’m that…

Actually, who do you want dead more? Whichever it is, I’ll claim it so you can yeet me faster and see that I’m town.

It’s ok to take a break from the forum and calm down a bit IRL. No one will blame you for wanting to take a step back and breathe.

** Starting from 3312 I had an interaction with Shurian the seemed like a scum PoV slip on their part.**

  1. I’m not bc

  2. Even if I was bc, I clearly wouldn’t do the plan that you outed.

>openwolf to get yeeted faster
interesting manuver

Yes I do honestly. It’s why scum found it so easy to push me.

^ what YBW said
it’s not like I’m going to tunnel you to death if I think there is a chance you flip town, Leafia. you can take a break and come back, I don’t want people hammering you rn.

But if I didn’t out the plan, you know you would have done it! :smiling_imp:

//it’s not that good of a plan :sleepy:

I think BC would just be trying to evade detection here

so we’re roleplaying now

Ok listen.

My brain is

A brain indeed


You are Vanito.

Hello Leafia, You are Vanito
You only spawn in the game if Shurian is Schemer.
Upon your death, people will come to the realization that Shurian is Schemer.
Goal: Get Yeeted or Yeet Shurian.

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@Shurian give a defense as to why you shouldn’t be voted today.
@EliThePsycho you too.

could both of you please claim your night actions?