SFoL65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village - True Ending - Blue Dragon, Village and Merchant wins!

i no-actioned n1
i occupied leafia n2

What you claim?

i shouldn’t be voted because i’m actually solving for once :tm:


i claim the criminal slave thing

lets confirm this by having 7 people vote for eli

lets go

This made me laugh so hard. Yes, I’m that role and I’m a bit more composed now. Thanks Chop.ineeded that.

Your Welcome! :partying_face:

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I was thinking this at first but it kills him if he’s town.

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Yeah, if Eli’s in the PoE closer to the end of the day it might be worth a try, but not right now lol. Better to try to avoid yeeting town, and honestly as Leafia said, we shouldn’t hammer.

Good idea. /vote Eli @Twil1ight

You’re right. /unvote @Twil1ight

…TF… :cold_face:

do we know what the current VC is?

Too many votes on me for my liking.

/unvote @Twil1ight

last count I saw was 3 votes on you but I think there were more after that and I don’t want you at L-2 or worse.

Neither do I or scum will hammer me for sure.

Going to take a break now. Might not be back until RL tomorrow and once I do get back, I’ll start trying to figure out who the evils are. I’d do so now but today has literally drained me.

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ISO on Eli

so first off, the only thing Eli has really done to solve is tunnel Leafia for 3 days now and say that Leafia looks like a better yeet than Shurian (pre-greencheck).

he claims criminal slave who no-actioned N1 but RB’d Leafia N2, the same as Min’s action, so it’s a very safe choice as a fake claim because it can’t really be proven wrong unless someone saw him visit.

I will admit I’ve kind of ignored his slot because I thought he was solving, but what he’s actually done is do a hot take on scum!Leafia and continue to push that the entire time, while also voting Cheeki D1. Do we think we see enough solving coming from Eli to townread him, or is this actually a long agenda push on Leafia? Because Leafia is right; I thought she was obvtown D1 and thought it was weird that Eli was SRing her until she claimed Landlady with botched actions.

Before D2, however, I thought Eli was picking up on things that I could honestly see Leafia saying as town anyway, because she gives unique reads even if they go against consensus. As odd as it was that she suggested ATN and then Arctic as king, I don’t think it was very AI for her. She seemed pretty comfortable with Marl and me being town (and I was testing her for that) so I really didn’t think she was BC at all on D1, and pretty unlikely to be scum as well. Today I was thinking she was more likely to be BC than scum because I wasn’t actually getting the strongest scum vibes from her, but the RT proved otherwise (hence I said she would just be scum rather than BC), but the quick SoD wagoning onto her honestly looked alarming because I don’t think there was a single person (besides Seth, I think) who was TRing her.

If Leafia is town, it’s extremely easy to ML her now because of the RT and multiple other reasons right now, but I do actually think there’s a non-zero chance of Leafia being town here. I don’t think Leafia is BC on the other hand; she didn’t react to my RT the way I would expect a BC to because, as she said, she did an RT on me. (Also I was just bullshitting the BD team for obvious reasons to test her.)

Now, from this ISO I can’t really say I think Eli is lockscum, but I think there’s a chance he’s actually scum. There also exists a world in which both Eli and Leafia are scum, but it’s less likely than one or the other being scum imo. Shurian having a greencheck on them from YBW and being pushed by Leafia but not by Eli is also something I noticed, as Eli said Leafia is a better vote than Shurian. I could see Eli and Shurian on a scumteam tbh. I’m horrible at preflips, though, so it’s not something to push right now as more than a vague idea.

Anyway, these are my thoughts at the moment. They’re not super well-developed and I didn’t really comment on individual posts from Eli so much as summarize what I think of them, but there’s my take. I wouldn’t clear Eli right now from being scum and I wouldn’t say Leafia is lockscum, either.