SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

I’m wondering was multiball the right thing for me to sign up to.

As for Polik comment, seems like he didn’t do an action

Why are you questioning that?

Burning flesh?

Makes it seems like there is a demon cuz of their pyre abilty, but of demon makes a kill they wouldn’t be able to use it.

Nothing else would describe anything the burning smell though

My head hurts now

Typical Wolf.
Doesn’t take much, does it :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, anyone have anything to discuss?

i just realized something!
we cant rely on just sheriff results or just boh-sheriff results to determine bd/neutral
they only say not-unseen or not-BoH (respectively)

Well, yes…

So, the burning flesh and the brand on my shoulder… do we have a single good explanation for this?

There is a good explanation. I just won’t tell you. The game’s not bastard

That’s the beauty, or brutality, of Multiball. Depending on how you look at it.

Shush, I wasn’t asking you. I’m asking everyone else…

Just thought I’d point this out.
The fact that the Princess isn’t dead, proves I’m not Assassin, Alchemist (poisoning), Possessor or any other NK.

Pretty much, I’m more likely to be good than bad ATM. Could only be Infiltrator/Associate/MM if evil. But then can be like almost any other BD class xD

I imagine the burning flesh is a Demon kill with day ability, unless someone wants to confirm they visited NuclearBurrito and didn’t die. No idea what the mark is.

Hmm… he does have a point.

It is either the demon or the electrocution-er:

The Demon (Unofficial Class)
Neutral Killer
Cloak Of Mithras (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation at night
Haemophilia (Day) - Increases the power of Funeral Pyre at night, - 1 Day Cooldown - 3 uses
Deception (Day) - Any votes placed on your targeted player this day will be redirected towards someone else you choose- 1 use
Funeral Pyre (Night) - Set your target ablaze. If Haemophilia is used, anyone who comes in contact with the target is eaten alive by the half-melted corpse.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

The Electrocutioner (Unofficial Class)
Neutral Killer
Charge (Night) - Apply a static charge to somebody. This person will die if they come into contact with another charged person or if they are charged a second time. The Charge ends when a charged target comes into contact with another
Electric Discharge (Passive) - You are permanently charged
Electric Field (Passive) - You are immune at night(you also don’t die if someone you charge visits you)
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Or at least I think. They make most sense with burning flesh

Deception? Wouldn’t make sense that if I happen to vote PolikShadowbliss then the vote will go somewhere else?

Otherwise it shows PolikShadowbliss is charged and the best thing for him is to visit someone else that is not charged to get rid of the charge.

If it’s the Electioneer, the Hunter may have just been unlucky.

If it was the Demon, then we might have a problem.

The Demon can kill multiple people at once.

Strange enough, the demon didn’t use multi-kill ability right on Day 1 otherwise you would be toast as well.

I didn’t think one could actually use actions on a King other than Bulter and classic assassination.

come to think of it, it couldn’t have been electrocutioner.

Unless the electrocution-er is now bleeding thanks to a random wolf; otherwise, hunter wouldn’t have visited a charged person.

So Demon it is.