SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Really, Frost?

Would the Demon use Decepton so haphazardly?

That’s only if the Demon targetted Ici with the Deception ability today. Seems unrelated to the mark, since that was put on him last night.

Us confirming blue dragon members appeals to evils ;p.

It’s better if we confirm people as BD but not as what BD role.

Then we can PoE the scum.

It’s the only day ability that targets people for Demon.

Druids doesn’t leave marks on people, only vines.

Jeez I thought of a pun.

It is better if we MARK players as blue dragon.

We don’t even know if we’re dealing with a Demon here.
And if we were, why would they target Ici with Deception right now?

I mean, sure, we could do that to check, but the chances of it actually producing a result is practically nonexistent.

Is it possible that we are dealing with multiple Neutral Killers?

That would be really unbalanced, considering that it’s already multiball…

I think that is kind-of the point of multiball. Unless I am wrong.

Haemophilia (Day) - Increases the power of Funeral Pyre at night, - 1 Day Cooldown - 3 uses

Even that doesn’t make sense, that ability doesn’t target a player despite the H.

Let’s not forgot the Assassin may well have killed the Hunter…Hunter?

No, Multiball means multiple scum groups.

Multiple NKs in additon would be practically unplayable without crosskills…

I asked Rouge about the mark, they could not give me any info…

This is really weird.

So It is official then.

I doubt the hunter would leave Icibalus the mark of H branded on his shoulder after the wolf companion attacked him.

I mean, why?

I might relate to the corpse burning. Or them being able to target multiple people.

Ici hasn’t mentioned bleeding. I strongly doubt the Hunter had anything to do with this, and was killed by an NK or the Assassin.

The burning flesh is likely from my shoulder, not from the Demon kill.

Probably from the Upick role we absolute hate to see succeeding the ritual to face retribution of FadeBlade.

Then what do you think that the letters could spell?