SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Well, why don’t we wait until tommorow to see if I’m lying, hmmm?

Also, there is no class in that contest that matches that flavor. I checked earlier.

I think fairly simply Prince should imprison and potentially execute Braixen

Why should we do that and not lynch them instead?

Can you give me a case against them?

Wait, I take back my statement.

I don’t think he was actually marked for death.

I think a class used a ability to give him false information.

Are you seriously suggesting that a class can give people a night result that dosen’t exist?

What would that be for?

The fact that they’ve played this before and they were quite clever there. Not missing much at all.
Accusing so randomly doesn’t seem at all BD AI to me.

Reason we wouldn’t lynch them. They could easily be the fool

That is impossible.

That would mean that we have a Disciple, but it is only Day 2.

And we don’t have Cult

Polik, it is day 2

I am currently going to give my point and my suspiciousons. I am going to go read the suggestion that Icabalus made, so brb.

And Disciple can’t give people results that don’t exist, I don’t think.

This result is non-standard, there is something fishy going on here…

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I know I edited.

Either way the Brotherhood can only Intiate at this point.

Brai, you claim holds no water and is undone under the tiniest bit of scrutiny. Need I say more?

You don’t I am just clueless at this point and I am currently throwing out ideas.

I want to remind everyone that besides the mark on Ici, there was a mod post about the smell of burning flesh wafting about. Was there ever anything like this in previous Demon games (or any games, for that matter)? I don’t remember seeing anything like that before either.

No, there is nothing like this in Demon games that I’ve seen…

Is it possible the smell of burning flesh was from the mark put on you?

Judging the Demon class. I can presume it is demon.

Don’t we all?

Chances of Unofficial role appearing for RNG seem to have made appearance, however Druids don’t leave burning flesh behind do they? It doesn’t match them.


Yes, that may be possible…

If my back was branded that would makes sense…

One way to find out is to vote you and my vote will be redirected somewhere else.