SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

But the marks are given during the day… I made the class, I should know.

And this didn’t happen on Day 1?

What about if they gave it. At the start of the day?

The marks are given during the day, public, and it was in my night results.

I’m gonna do some research. See ya

Don’t bother. What part of ‘I made the class, I should know how it works’ don’t you get?

So the hunter had to be killed by Assassin?

Listen, the person who is marked is public to everyone.

The whole point is that you either kill the marked player or risk the Druid killing at night.

I’ll confirm that’s true.
However, how else would you be marked.
I checked literally every class quickly.
No night ability includes marking

The alternate theory is that… well remember my class from Upick?

That’s most of what today’s debating has been about. There’s clearly something new at work here.

Yes of course but this isn’t bastard and I trust the mods there.
So it won’t have been included

It might be not bastard like CFM12…

No way a FM class from across different forum would make it here.

No no no, it’s a joke from ToS.

Essentially CFM12 was bastard but was listed as not being bastard. It’s basically a joke now.

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I mean, I even just checked thwanted BH classes out and nothing like that’s listed there.
So I think this might actually be bastard looking from another perspective. How could you’ve been marked otherwise

It might be a new class none of us have ever heard of.

However, I feel as though the mods wouldn’t just make a class out of nowhere, tell no one about it, and add it.

It could be one of the not first place from the neutral killer contest.

I think he is covering up himself.

I think Icabalus is Scum.

I think you’re Fool or you just don’t see Ici’s logic. Probably the former though I’d say.

Ici is being clever here, not covering

That’s a pretty bold statement.

I think Icabalus is to good at the game to lie about a non-existent feature as scum.

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