SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

What decides if a recruitment was successful or not?



I’m so super hyped for this.
Hoping, really hoping that I get to experience the BH perhaps at some point from starting as a Non-CI BD.
I’m going to try and win as my normal class, but, I did miss out on personally testing anything last game as I got Prince again

Oh by the way I’m tempted to host a Brotherhood game at some point. Just a standard Brotherhood game, what would happen if Brotherhood was in regular ToL.

With the intention of proving that the person who didn’t make the mechanics can adequetly host them. Plus, I want to repay Plex for replacing out…

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Hey, I already sorta fell in love with the faction, so all I can say is the more BH games, the better imo

Either that or a DR themed one, which is basically just a retheme of FoL with flavor names.

We’ll see.

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RNGing Classes Right now! Class Cards will be shot out shortly.

Nevermind, Insanity confused me with SIGNING UP TWICE! Just keep signing up!

1 more guys! Please sign up…

I’m just gonna say, it is confirmed the exact roles that are certain.





(body clear)

4 Neutrals max.

that’s not what I asked

which neutral classes are possible?
which where taken into consideration?
which could possibly have rolled?
we need to know these things

All Neutral classes from the Class Cards thread are possible. Unofficial or not are possible. Only the choice between Moon Spirit and Assassin has been made.

You know what?


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Game full, Plex, I will shoot out cards in the morning.

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Is my ability is to confuse you?

And I am very sure I will be evil with PokemonRyan and Frostwolf again and again…

hahahah hahahhy ahahahaha

Ugh, what’s happening to me.