SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

There is no gentle in FoL, especially with multiball

My ass was throughly kicked in my first FoL game.

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I’d expect nothing less to happen to me in this one. Should be fun, though.

@Rogue put me down as Supervisor or Co Host or whatev :wink:

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Wow, a newbie is calling me silver tongued?
I’m innocent, it’s platinum I tell you!!

Done :wink: Messaged on Discord.

eehh, i think you’re giving yourself too much credit there. Its probably rose gold/other gold-silver alloy

Then you are Brass tongue.

Only 2 more players till Multiball!



Sign me up :3

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Let me get my two alts Kappa.

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Then you would get banned and also you would delay the game even more.

I kid I kid.

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NozBugz is Bob confirmed.

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Yes. Multiball, here we come!

can someone like me to a list of what the brotherhood is?

Edit: Nvm I found it

It is basically a pacifist group that wins the game by controlling the vote. They can only kill three times the entire game.

I’m confused about how the The Constable Stake out works

Night Ability 1: Stake Out
Watch your targets room tonight to see if they have been recruited into The Brotherhood. If they were, everybody will be informed of their treason. You will also monitor their room for Brotherhood activity. You will prevent a recruitment. If they are the target of Espionage, Plant or Sabotage, they will be revealed to you. - infinite uses

Basically you’ll be told one of the following while watching somebody:

-There was no Brotherhood activity

-Your target was recruited. (Then everyone will see a message at the beginning of the next day: “Tweedledee was recruited into The Brotherhood”)

-Your target was almost recruited by Tweedledamnit

-Your target was the victim of Espionage/Planted Evidence/Sabotage. You saw Tweedledumb do it