SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Frosty and Pkr might be bh

wolf = dead (if you are referring to FrostWolf)

Pkr = quite possibly

I haven’t played many games with Pkr (new to forum games, but have played normal ToL), but usually he is acclaimed as an excellent player; he is susp for bad scum read

I have a strange feeling that both of his “Stong BD” Are fellow BH.

I’m almost certain PKR is Infiltrator actually. I left a nice note in my journal in case I was killed tonight, lemme paste it:

"PKR visited Frostwolf night 1. Frost is the Princess as he softed it multiple times. PKR has never questioned Frost’s Hunter theory or anything else he has said, making me believe they are both BD or both scum.

I had an epiphany just before Ici’s execution, and it’s about Frost.

Where is his famous class list?

He ALWAYS posts a list of which player is what class, and uses that to weed out scum. This is a common tool of his, and he’s quite proud of it.

Where is it this game?

I have a strong feeling Frost is scum, and therefore I feel like PKR is a converter scum as well. I am leaning more towards Infiltrator. PKR and Frost haven’t disagreed on anything, and PKR hasn’t questioned the bullshit Hunter theory. Why has PKR ignored that?"

No. I’m 95% sure Wolfy is BD.

Yay we should vote up pkr after election. I agree with your point.

Braixen you claimed NK before, will you step up?

Yes, and I will vote pkr instantly. Currently royal blood phase though.

@ThePlex Non-royal elections start when?

(For host, I will stand up once normal election begins so yay; if im asleep when it occurs or not there just put me down as stepping forward ;3)

Normal elections start in 4 hours.

Can I say just skip to the non royal blood phase?

I will not be King


Pleb to King phase is on now as there are No Royals to become king. This phase will go on for 18 hours.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
First off, jeezus @ that death announcement.
Also: Before we vote for people we need to talk about Braixen. An NK just died. So he pretty much is confirmed Fool at this point, yes? Unless there’s another NK (which normally I’d find absurd, but four people just died, so I’m extremely confused).

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Although the more I think about it, there’s no way I can fathom that this would’ve happened if he isn’t a killing class.
Unless there’s another Knight that started yolosteeling people.


You need to step forward yourself, but just doing this to make sure you step up once you’re up

Also, as for who killed, I think it could have been BH.

They can kill up to three times if they can right?

Also, anyone stepping for King will be considered scum, and I’ll step up as confirmed bd, as I’m the only one left with Royal Blood

Sketch, you said that if Braixen didn’t get lynched yesterday you’d Exhume the Assassin. Did you end up doing that? Because if he got killed by a Paranoid there’s no way I’m voting Braixen as King.


Fool would become Mad King.