SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

I know, but if Exhume shows a Paranoid kill it’s almost certain that Braixen is that, and not a Fool.
I’ve been almost certain he’s Fool this whole time but all these kills now, and lack of anyone saying they’re Occupied, makes me quesiton it.

Did we have an inactive Butler that poisoned the King?

But then where are the blocks?


Unless Frost is right and King was trapped by Hunter or King was marked, but was not announced

Druid marks would’ve been announced by the host.
I doubt Polik would have neglected to mention if he needed a heal.
I don’t know.

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I could be acrewed by revealing myself if there is still Assassin becoming Master Mind

How so?
Also, I’m going to wait for Sketch to give more info, and more people to check in, before I can give opinions as to what we should do moving forward. A Mad King could maybe be okay, but not Psychopathic.

/Step Forward to be King
Think of it like this.
1, we never had a BH King.
2, if I’m infiltrator, wouldn’t it be best to get rid of the better of the converters?

I just want to see what it’d be like.
I think it’s beneficial to everyone for me to be King instead of Infil. That’s if, I am indeed Infil.

Scum move there. I did say that…

I will be King!

Sorry Ryan…

But seems like that you’re true colours have been revealed…


Sorry, but I had to step forward

I will admit that I am the Pronce. However, with you going up like this, specifically when I said not to, you just fell into scum territorry…

I feel like the others will be annoyed that I am the pPrince with two executions left, but to prevent a scum move like that…

I had to stand up.


I suspect you of being BrotherHood after that move!

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I’ve been wracking my brain around this for like two hours now, trying to figure out what happened last night.
What I’ve come to so far is this:
The Brotherhood had no hand in any of these deaths. That’s because the Brother is the only way they can kill anybody, and even in the best case scenario for them (A successful Bribe going off every night), the earlier they can have a Brother that can use a night action is Night 4 (Night 1 convert Initiate, end of Night 2 that person becomes Disciple, end of Night 3 they become Brother, Night 4 they can kill), unless I misunderstood how the promotion works within the Brotherhood.
TWO Night Immune classes died. I imagine Prince took care of one of them, but how did the other one die? Is it possible there’s an Enforcer? I guess Paranoid killed the King and Assassin killed the Initiate, but what happened besides that?

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Especially after your reads of Frost being high town when he was scum and you visiting him…

He was the Princess it seems like

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I killed the Druid

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Then we have to figure out how the Mastermind died.

You know what, actually I’m going to do a reveal that I wasn’t going to.

I’m a Mercenary.
My target was Frost.
I was protecting them from visits N1.
And did it again last night.
So I asked the hosts how Frost was supposed to die.
They said they made a mistake.
I want to be Neutral King. That’s all there is to it.
I suspect Braixen of being a converter as they were too quick to jump to conclusions

So N1, my target was the Princess. I visited them.
N2, I did nothing. My target must’ve been converted.
N3, I guarded and they died?

Can the hosts verify that a mistake was made?

A mistake was made.

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I wanted to be able to stay neutral.
But as you guys said I visited the princess N1.
There’s nothing susp in protecting your target.
Or do you have other evidence?