SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

I’m sure as you guys realised earlier, I pushed Braixen. But as my target didn’t, I stopped.

Simply put, I was suspicious of Braixen for claiming neutral. As normally there wouldn’t be enough room for another one. Therefore I pushed them, for claiming what I knew myself to be.

Unless starting numbers from all factions were different, or at least from Neutrals to BD were different, then I knew they were susp.

Furthermore, the fact Frost was my target is why I hard green-read him. I pushed the opinion that Frost was good as he’s the person I had to protect.
This mistake has really screwed me over. Unfairly, may I add.

I have a suggestion but I would like Wolfy’s take on this first. This has thrown quite a wrench into everything.
Wolfy, consider what we talked about in jail and what I haven’t said.


I guess Ii need to do something else tonight then…

However, I think it might be and idea to make Ryan King. Because I have an idea of a potential suspect right now…

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In fact, I said that Braixen aka FoolyMcFoolface was scum in a reads post because I needed to support them after Frost basically refused to vote them.

It’s either that, or we crown you and have PKR contract me. The obvious major problem with that is that we lose the Prince.


Crown PKR.

I think I solved this anyway

I’m finally gonna be King?
I’m sooo excited!
I think it means I automatically become Cowardly King because of that annoying mistake :frowning:

Please Note: We are accepting votes for your next ruler at the moment, as the voting phase will be rather short and some can’t get around to it.

/vote PKR

I stay as the Prince. I have a job to finish after all

/Vote PKR

I still want to know how the Mastermind died. What pierces night immunity that we haven’t accounted for?

I think the paranoid claim is genuine

But now we have an issuer that needs adressing once the King has been crownws


Could you please update the graveyard, as I seem to be forgetting who is still currently alive and who is dead

Do you want to talk about it now or wait until the coronation?

I’m going to wait for it now. I don’t want my idea to be heard until my suspicion has been confirmed


Also ;p

You had to be here to have your name put forward though, hence me standing up as well.

However, I’m the only one that is confirmed bd

Did ;3