SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Extreme Multiball – Hosted by Rogue and cohosted by @ThePlex

Yes, we are accepting backups. PM @Rogue or Plex to be a backup


Follow The Global Forum Rules
Respect the host and the players
if you havent’t posted content in 36 hours, you’ll be prodded for inactivity. if you don’t respond to that prod in 16 hours, you will be force replaced
No private messaging others in the game about the game
Do not screenshot private host messages
Don’t throw the game. this inculdes any form of intent to make you or your faction lose
Refrain from posting so many times in a row
you are allowed to leave the game but doing it will net you are temporary blacklist meaning you can’t join fourm games for a while. futher leaving may net with a permanent blacklist
lets all have fun and play together!


• Days last 96 hours, or until majority is reached for execution. Nights last 48 hours.
• All actions, including whispers (Only Butler, Invoker(if they choose so), and Servant can whisper via loud whisper), must be sent to the mod.
• Unseen/Cult/Nobles will talk through special Discord servers
• Priest will speak with the dead through a separate Discord server.
• All classes will be used, and will be used as they are found in the Class Cards Thread.


• To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
• Votes saying Guilty or Not Guilty before the target is on the stand will not be counted.
• Should the votes reach the majority, that player will go on trial. They can say a defense, and the rest of the players must vote Guilty or Not Guilty on the thread.
• Players can discuss while the target is on trial.
• No one is able to use day powers when a trial is in session. The Only exception is the king’s Decide Fate.
• After the voting, the King has 24 hours to choose to allow or veto the vote. Should the king not respond, the majority vote will be accepted.
• The day timer does not stop when the target is on trial.
• If the day timer runs out before a total majority is hit, the option with the most votes is what happens to the target.

Picking a New King

• When the king dies 24 hours is given for any player with royal blood to step up and take the throne.
• After that 24 hours anyone is free to step up.
• If only 1 person steps up when the day ends that person becomes the king
• If 2 people step forward everyone votes on who should be the next king. Whoever has the most • votes during the end of the day becomes the king. If the votes are tied whoever stepped up 1st becomes the king
After The Night
You will be told what happened to you

You slept peacefully
Someone occupied your night
For whatever reason, you instead visited [x]
Someone tried to occupy you but you had no time for them
You were attacked but you survived
You were unfortunately killed
Your attempt to kill your target failed
Your attempt to occupy your target failed
You were bewildered
Your ability backfired (Pants on Fire/Dark Rune)
You’ve been intimidated
You were exposed to deadly nightshade!
A mercenary has offered you a contract, do you accept?
You’ve been slapped and cannot vote
You’ve been threatened


Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want

Special Features:

This game will feature both the Unseen and the Brotherhood
Old King system-- King can be voted up at any time except night
The Cult Points system will be used


Blue Dragon:

Offensive: Butler
Support: Court Wizard, Physician, Priest, Squire
Special: King
Killer: Knight, Paladin, Prince
Investigative: Maid, Observer, Princess, Sheriff
Social: Noble, Psychic


Social: Aristocrat, Illusionist
Killer: Assassin
Investigative: Duchess, Nightwatch, Waitress
Offensive: Enforcer, Herbalist, Sage, Servant
Special: King, Mastermind
Support: Page, Soulcatcher



  1. Simon
  2. Insanity
  3. KING Polikshadowbliss
  4. KING PokemonKidRyan
  5. Sketch
  6. NozBugz
  7. Fireslol -> cbman -> stephenboss
  8. RopeStringFace
  9. Braixen
  10. Das_model -> Archer1123
  11. Wolfy
  12. Methnor
  13. _Aftertech
  14. NuclearBurrito
  15. Icibalus
  16. Frostwolf103
    Bac1: None.


NuclearBurrito the Hunter
NozBugz the Knight
Simon the Constable
Archer1123 the Assassin
Frostwolf the Initiate
PolikShadowbliss the Evil King
Insanity the Mastermind
Stephenboss the Druid

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Sign ups start now.

Oh yes

Warning: Changing the title of this match without permission will get you GMKilled*

*Only Plex and Rogue are allowed to.

I mead

You should really tell us which neutrals are possible

Because otherwise people might be going after a Neutral Killer when there was never the possibility of one

/sign up

This seems chaos…

And is there Cult?

Nah, BD, Some Neutrals, Unseen, Brotherhood

Will do. Working out how many Neutrals there can be.

3-4 Neutrals.

Update: All classes in the Unseen/BlueDragon/Brotherhood/Neutral alignments can spawn. Changed from Moon spirit can’t spawn to can

with all the pandemonium, i think you should keep the ms out
and maybe max 1 nk?
just spit-balling here

Yeah, one NK and MS worst case scenario. Whether it spawns or not, I will say moon phases.

if there is ms, it replaces the assassin in unseen
basically, unseen cant have 2 killers

Brotherhood vs. Unseen.

This will be marvelous.

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Blue Dragon is involved too :wink:

Still. Unseen vs. the Brotherhood.

Yep! :smiley: People were getting confused between BH and BD in Brotherhood game so Multiball against BH and Unseen

Multiball and has BH? Heck yeah!!

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16 players

2 Unseen

2 Brotherhood

Minimum of 3 Neutrals according to Rogue

1 King

8 out of 16 players, 50% are BD

Day 2 lynch no matter what let’s go booooyssssss


Question: If the King is evil - who the fuck does he side with?