SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

You’re so scum for relying on the class cards when they have been changed cuz I’m telling the truth that I can’t kill

Scum, good guy.

I rely on class cards all the time, that’s not new.

I am Scorned for goddess sake, I can’t kill I can’t do anything. What the hell do you want Scorned dead for? It doesn’t prove you get rid of Demwir to demostrate you will bring Adiart to victory.

I don’t believe you to be scorned, as all the targets died by coincidence, and you just claimed that you were!

Yeah well, be paranoid. I am glad I got Icibalus now I need to survive.

At best you’re Fool desperately trying to get lynched.
We’ll know soon enough.

Yeah that’s good idea? By the end of three days and nights, Demwir win. So why would you lynch a fool?

Why you sounding sound panicky

You call that panic? Isn’t logical speaking?

Based on what Expose gives me and what Jammy does, we’ll decide what happens next.
If you’re Demwir you’re getting instantly lynched.

I am Neutral I am telling the truth, so bite my ass Wolfy.

No thanks. I don’t like scum

So you admit yourself

No, I’m not admitting anything.

You’re scum and we all know it

Believe whatever you want, it doesn’t change a thing I am scum.

Get it? It doesn’t change.

So you saying you’re Demwir now?

Thanks for making that easier


No I said, It doesn’t change I will be shown as scum.

How hard is it to comprehend?

How hard is it to comprehend that I was attacked again I am a threat to Demwir and was healed by Ryan!