SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

I sleep safely as well.

so, mole, do you believe that i am unseen?
didnt want to say it right away, because i was unsure how everyone would react, and i would like to say that i would prefer to keep my class secret for now, but i will reveal it if i have to

And polik was cult but didn’t die?

Sleeped Peasefully xD

Okay. We have Cult and Unseen. But a lot of them are sided with Aidart.
Maybe we have no scum / faction converters.
Only alignment converters.

Which would be ideal for me.

It makes sense that you are


I was jailed by Prince.

What did he ask tho?

My role obviously.

Hmm… gotta question the Prince’s motives. Polik was obviously Adiart

prince could be neutral/DW
or we could have multiple princes

I would hope they would not permit more than one Prince. Until otherwise, I won’t assume the Prince to be Good

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Simon is correct, there can be multiple unique roles of different factions.

Peace sleptfully.

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I was occupied.

I slept peacefully.

So we have either an Aidart or Dewir butler,

Somehow, I’m believing that Prince is Aidart alligned.

But multiple prince is silly