SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Wow lol, I can’t kill people. Only indirectly by swapping.

If you were Scorned you wouldn’t have claimed as such.

Claiming that Rope was one of your targets serves literally no purpose.

Your actions do not make sense as scorned, what you are trying to do is push an easy mislynch on me.

Yo @RopeStringFace tell everyone I swapped you rooms.

I would leave it to prince, but with 3 kills tomorrow, we could lose majority real easy

You are my target, you can be anything.

Frost is defo safe Lynch. He might not be our best Lynch though. Hold up.

Frost acting like we all know you are scorned isn’t going to distract from the fact you

A: Claimed scum
B: Scumslipped
C: Lied to literally no gain.

I think we know who is Dewimir/Druid here.

We need to know why insanity was occupiable. They could be druid yet

Wrooong, buzz

The fact that Simon, Polik and you are my targets doesn’t mean Rope is my target as well just because I swapped him around with Simon and I got my names wrong, wrong? Yes wrong.

Because I type too fast.

I do not trust now.

You = Icibalus

You said ‘Icibalus is my only remaining target’.

When you try to hardclaim scum, at least get your claim in order before you do.
You said that ‘Rope is my target’. Stop acting like you didn’t.

I meant to say I swapped Rope, but I got brainfarted.

/unvote Frost
Temporarily. Not because I necessarily believe he’s Scorned but because I want to hear from Insanity first and then decide between the two and I don’t want Frost to get brought up on trial prematurely.

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@Methnor It’s not like he’s at L-1, you don’t need to unvote.

Frost, your actions don’t make sense as scorned.

Icibalus likely have no night immunity to death, I do.

I say it’s fair trade.


There are 8 people alive and with my, your, PKR and Sketch’s vote he was absolutely at L-1

L-1 in a game with a Trial Mechanic.

If he gets hammered we can just inno and rewagon him.

Because Demwir can’t kill me just as PKR tried to kill me, I can win with Adiart AFTER you are gone Icibalus.

Really I only need you.