SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Having -1 scum is better than letting them stay alive.
We don’t know fully what side Prince is on.
Therefore we don’t miss Frost living another night.
What about if he’s their converter?!

I don’t think they’d have a converter, per se. I want to hear why @Rogue did not revive last night. Could be demwir aligned Priest

Maybe they are. But ffs, don’t be keeping alive a confirmed Non-Fool NI Scum.

That’s just illogical. You should know that yourself.

Just lynch frost…

Would Scorned helped Adriat?


So Frost must be neutral or demwir.

We should not leave unanswered questions, lest we have converted psychics running around with bullshit abilities. We may still Lynch frost, or have prince kill them instead. Suspicious that insanity is so insistent on quick lynching here too btw

“Quick lynching” Mole says lol

/vote Frostwolf

Cause I can’t revive them anymore or at least they wouldn’t be able to do night or day action

/vote Frostwolf

I am not voting either till:

  • PKR votes
  • I get proof

If there is proof, give me it.

Do you guys think it’s safe to assume now that the Prince is not Demwir-aligned?

Vote Icibalus and I vote with Adiart against Demwir

Except PKR, Icibalus and Demwir are now in scum team.

How can you prove that PKR and Ici is scum?


He did vote though…

/vote Frost

@eevee @orangeandblack5 majority has been reached

I’m glad to see we’ve hammered confirmed scum.

Good going guys! You’re getting there!

Don’t push it, Ici. There was good reason to not hammer before now.

I messed up, I messed up big time!
I’m so sorry Frost.
I’ve just realised what I’ve done

At least I’ve got a new target for tomorrow.
Just a shame, you was voted before this person Frost.
I’m so sorry.

In fact, King, can you force pardon this?
Please @JammySplodge
Unless we can change, in which /Pardon

We can’t pardon yet, but later…

What happened?