SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Simon was soul catcher, why would their be a disguiser role? Literally, their is only one unknown role this game.

Also, I don’t know if Insanity is really behind and generally doesn’t know about Frost being Scorned, or he does know, but playing dumb?

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u know I am dumb.

Insanity is probably scum, that’s why @Methnor should check

mutters under breath

And mainly inactive…


Wait, how does your compatibility work again? By alignments right?

I am trying :anger:

I could and probably will.
In regards to @JammySplodge , I’d rather she didn’t kill Rogue tonight and instead focus her efforts on finding the Cult Leader, who seems more like a pain in the ass for her and for us, and also lets me relay information to the living should I die tonight.

Wolfy, it works by faction (Adiart/Demwir/Neutral), not alignment (BD/Unseen/Cult).


Check Rogue to me. I believe him to be scum

I think it’s best to check people to PKR, the only true benchmark I have at this point.

After that, you can check me to anyone else claiming to be Adiart, which will also confirm me



It’s possible, but rogue is probably dead tonight anyway


I meant Insanity

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The other possibilities include the noble being scum

So erm, I’m taking this to be a sign you’re being scum then and you’re worried?

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Without necessarily revealing, do you know who it is? Just a yes or no. Just so’s I know for something I’m working on.

Rogue could be indeed lying about his role and is Cult Leader instead,

Yes, I know who the noble is.