SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

First off, “Adiart Druid”?

Second off, CL’s brainwash is probably on cooldown tonight. That’s why I suggested Jammy try and help us find him tonight, since he’ll probably perform the factional night kill tonight. If it ends up being that a Demwir CL converts people to the Demwir faction, we can always take care of Rogue too. Since Jammy’s helping us out, that was in the cards at some point anyway.

He’s not Adiart-motivated? My bad.

He literally hardclaimed Demwir Druid.
side-eyes Frostwolf
Between that and all the weird theories you’ve had today, you’re giving off some bad hombre vibes.

Actually, Cult leaders don’t have a cool down

Brainwash (Night) - Convert a player into the corresponding Cult class - 1 night Cooldown


Yeah could be…


I think Prince should go for Wolf still. All his targets seem to end up dead and it last target happenes to be Demwir Druid?

That cannot be a coincidence…

And…Wolfy dismiss my theory.

Last time I played, we were told they didn’t have cool downs

The Prince should probably take care of Frostwolf, I agree. Just to tie up loose ends and to make certain he’s Neutral Neutral.

I don’t know…you are not thinking this through.

Never mind. Last time I played, was FOL9.

I was thinking of FOL5 when the Cult leader had no cool downs at all then I was on heitus for two months.

I really need to copy and print of those cards but with the latest update to tehe Court Wizard, I’m assuming that will be added to it, so I will print them out only when the Mods update the cards

Please, enlighten me then. Because if you truly are Scorned with the targets you gave us, you shouldn’t really care. While I’m not keen on wasting the Prince’s night, I think it’s the safest bet we have right now.

This is the reason why I’m thinking this is too much of a coincidence.

All his targets dying like that? So maybe Fool or something, consdiering that Ryan did not attack Frost

That clears up something new with Ici admitting that he was going to ignite himself, so Frost being immune can no longer be accepted to him being scorned.

In other words,

He can still be scum and we just gave him cred. So Prince will definelty be a good idea to execute Wolf now.

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Scorned is immune to death from night attacks

Are you still drunk?

Considering that you were not attacked now though, it’s no longer believeable till someone attacks you

I want thrilling who’s the culprit around here, that’s no fun when I am dead.

The cult leader or Demwir is welcome to try.