SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

You don’t say. Have a cookie(!)

The only thing was, he was always priest

Jammy did say you are cultist, hmm.

But you said you slept peacefully.



Mod error :thonk:


No, that was a mod mistake.
Wolf didn’t sleep peacefully.
You was attacked, wasn’t you my poor babe?

We even said further up.

If you accuse me now, that’s is way too scummy of you.

For what? You just admit you didn’t convert Rogue into Ritualist, that says something.

smashes my head into the keyboard a million times

I SAID I CONVERTED HIM. CAN:clap:YOUl:clap:NOT:clap:READ:clap:?

You’re thinking of Insanity. Don’t swing this back at me, scum

I am incompetent and you are way too smart, uh noooo

You’re totally okay bussing Insanity.

Why wouldn’t we be?!
He’s Demwir Prince!

I thank you for that admission.

Also same point as Methnor. Why would I bus an OP character that would be beneficial to me? Just, why?

We even had confirmation right now you…

Has anyone attacked Frost yet actually? Prove that he isn’t the Fool

Because you can just replace anyone just easily, the majority isn’t going to suspect that.

“Bussing the prince because Methnor is going to check him? Well, let’s find someone to convert yo”

Totally in his mindset.


mutters under my breath

You, can’t, convert, people’s, factiosn. You can only change their alignments if they are convertible

Yeah I don’t believe that, you want to hide this ritualist under the rug as soon you mentioned Rogue is always priest, you totally said that.

@PokemonKidRyan I can’t believe you were falling for Wolfy that easily.

Frost is either scum or is a bigger VI than Andilin and Noz if they had a child. No offence