SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Frost did you not see the night announcement or did it just slip your mind that I am supposed to be dead?


Yeah? Would that my concern while I am still alive?

Nah, he’s Fool.

He really wants us to suspect him right now and get him executed.

What happens when Day 5 starts with regards to me will be telling with regards to the remaining players, assuming Insanity gets lynched.
Also I’d like a claim from RopeStringFace today, he’s the last unknown variable.

Well, that was a whole lot of useless reading.

/vote Insanity

Mole was right. Let’s say that gives you a hint what Rope could be

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And yes PKR, I was mentioning a different game, not even a FoL one.

So, if I am neutral fool, even better. You even let Wolfy go away with his growing group against Adiarts while JammySplodge is hunting cultists left and right, why is she not hanged up at day 2?

That’s a hammer.
Frostwolf: Jammy x2
Insanity: Wolfy, Methnor, PKR, Polik, Frostwolf, Sketch

I know. I’d like a claim anyway.

Um no, Sketch unvoted. before I voted.

And here is my vote again.

Oh wait lol

He really doesn’t read

claps sarcastically

Failed wagon much against me?

Yeah that’s because you get away with a lie.

I am surprised PKR is letting himself converted to Demwir sooner or later.

At least I admitted to doing the same and then actually started to improve.

You improved? Must’ve missed that…

Oh my God…

You’re an idiot. Read to what I said to PKR earlier, and quote it to prove that you have read it. That is your homework

We don’t even know if Demwir can convert factions…what…