SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

I even said further up…

I have no idea either.

If there are faction conversion mechanics in this game all of my reads and theories go out the window. I’ve seen no indications of that.

Frost actually said that.
HoS Frost.
HoS literally everyone this game, except Wolf-Kun!

They can’t change factions for God’s sake… sighs heavily

Only alignments. Please, just learn to read

Yeah seem like you are hiding this fact, Wolfy.

Hand of Sadness PKR

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I can undergo Factional conversion.
Not Alignment.
I asked earlier so I’d be able to figure things out


Lemme find this Goddamn thing I said a million times right?

How much earlier? At the start of the game?

Yes. But I didn’t reveal it so I wouldn’t be at risk

Wanna read this for the millionth time

You forgot Demwir is faction, not alignment?

Just stop speaking. Please, for Wolf’s sanity…

No, you should not defend Demwir.

If I was Knight…

How can you even?!

You have no way knowing he’s Demwir, that’s blind trust right there.

And why are you so convinced that he is Dwener?


Can we please just check me to shut Frost up. I’m gonna get an aneurysm at this rate