SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Isn’t insanity prince tho

As in Convert Immune no matter the faction

No. I doubt we can turn them to Cult.

Insanity is either lying about being jailed and is Prince himself to avoid that, or he was jailed and happened to be scum

Polik specifically said he found a cult

And jailed himself?

Honestly I don’t care what you think my alignment is

I can still win if dead

Jammy. Kill Wolfy tonight maybe.
I won’t object.
But please help us get rid of this druid

Huh. I will talk with him about that tonight.

Jammy kills at night.
Aidart kills at day.
That’s fair to me

Wanna bet that?

She may do, but I may survive her attack.

I say let her at me, cuz we’re voting her tomorrow as likely to be Demwir Paladin. Why did she go for Polik if Adiart. If there was something like one scum left, then ok, her action would then be reasonable, but this early.

No, I don’t think she can be neutral alligned

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Then I will become leader and lose ability to chat with dead.

Then so be it.
Would you rather be dead anyway?

She said she was neutral

Polik could have used Strings of Corax to Prince, but that will be Rogue’s job to find out.

Wow, you really sound scummy.

I went for Polik because I specifically need to kill him in order to win the game

Nah. Just let me bring someone back tonight then likely when I am leader they will stay alive.

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Revive polik plz

If I do bring someone back from the dead-- Who will it be, doesn’t matter the class, they will just be an extra vote and also they will be able to chat. They can’t do actions though…


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Who knows, that will be enough to triumph Demwir in numbers