SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

This is the point though!

You may need them dead to win the game, but why not save till end of the game?

My converts give information believe it or not, and the fact that Insanity is immune is a good reason to keep me alive

No if you let them live, Jammy won’t win.

Methnor, what was your N1/2 again?
Wasn’t it including that Insanity and me are the same factions?

And what class is Jammy again?

I agree with thr Polik idea. He is quite useful to tell us what happened to the Prince as he might have got Prince to target themselves or something


Neutral Paladin apperently…

Which I doubt right now

I eliminate Cultists quickly because my allegiance is to myself

I am focusing on completing my own objective before helping with yours

@PokemonKidRyan You and Moleland

@Rogue Neutral Paladin King, her goal is to kill ALL cult.


Perv forum

Yeah, no.
If you think we’ll let you kill the cultists at night without helping us at day, dream on.

This sounds like a problem though, because all Cult so far, have been Adiart.

I believe it was Simon

Yeah? All cult, what’s the difference?



Don’t talk to me, I got nothing to do with Demwir business just like Jammy.

Please read carefully again

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All unseen so far have been adiart

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Screaming scum kill me now right here…

I am helping during the Day

Me being alive prevents a Demwir king from existing

/execute if I didn’t already

BD are Demwir confirmed? :open_mouth: